Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Day 5 - 227 -- Moving

Many historical events occurred on this date. 1) In 1881, this date was chosen as the national day of celebration of the Acadian culture in Canada. It wasn't until 2003 that it was made an official Canadian holiday.  2) In 1945, the Second World War ended when Japan surrendered. Known as VJ day for most of the allies, it is recognized on September 2 in the US since this was the day the actual documents were signed. 3) In 1912, Julia Child was born in California. She became a culinary icon with the publication of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, which brought these cooking techniques and foods to the American public. She became the first chef with a regular televised program with WGBH in Boston, now a PBS station, in 1963. An interesting day for sure.

Now, I don't see my day fitting into the global impact of such noted historic events, but it has potential impact on me and my future. <smile> The next step in the move to a research office occurred today. While I'd expected the movers around 4 PM, a call at 11:55 AM noted that they would arrive at 12:45 PM. The job took about 15-20 minutes and they were then off to the 60-70 moves occurring in the building next to me. So a small part of the movers' day, but a bigger part for me. I will need to unpack the boxes moved today before I can take the remaining items up myself -- wall art, computer system, bulletin board items, and desktop items. I expect to be out by end of day tomorrow --which could be 11:59PM <grin> but I do hope to be done before that. So -- the dominoes are back in play today.

A song instantly came to mind this morning as I said what would happen at work today. The new office is one floor up. For context, the building runs almost north and south, the two wings bend slightly and point a bit to the northeast and southeast. The lyrics reference food and are linked to television (one of my early research subjects). I hope this makes you giggle like I did earlier today. Enjoy!

Movin' on Up (Theme from The Jefferesons) -- Tinseltown Singers ft. Ja'net Dubois

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