Saturday, 25 August 2018

Day 5 - 237 -- Heroes

Temperatures rose today to become higher than the past few days. The skies remained hazy -- a reminder of the many wildfires across the North American continent. This led my thoughts to the many firefighters working diligently to try to contain the blazes. Firefights from within and outside the country. These people have left their homes to help to save wild spaces, farms and towns. We should pause and thank those who are putting themselves in harm's way.

Firefighters -- of wildfires and structural fires -- are first responders., as are police and EMTs. In the midst of major fires, all become involved in the situation. They extinguish and redirect fire, assist with health issues and direct evacuations. Volunteers operate places for displaced people to shelter and find food, water and supplies for daily living. My thought processes took me to several movies about firefighters. The first two that came to mind were Backdraft and Only the Brave. The first, about a city fire department crew, I saw just as a family member was beginning a career as a firefighter -- so it does stick in my memory more than the many others I've seen. The second tells the story of a group of wildfire experts who died while fighting a fire -- it was based on a true story. While such pieces of entertainment can inform, they also show only parts of the whole story. Yet, I felt each of these showed the audience more about the camaraderie of the teams and not only the sensational aspects of a fire. What they present clearly shows the heroic nature of people who fight fires to help communities and families. Again, take a moment and send some positive thoughts into the universe for those working in the many current wildfires. For my family and friends who are first responders, know that I appreciate your career choices -- very much.

Finding a song today wasn't easy. I settled on one that speaks to the role of heroes in our lives. While the lyrics present heroes in a different way than I have here, the chorus notes the importance of heroes. I am aware that many such people don't consider themselves heroes, but when someone runs toward a dangerous situation to help, it is difficult for me not to see them as heroes.  Enjoy!

Heroes and Friends -- Randy Travis

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