Binge viewing is the newer way to watch televised programming. Now lets look at words used so far in this blog -- productive and binge. Use of these words implies that viewing is non-productive or a waste of one's time. Binge is generally associated with negative actions such as eating or drinking to excess. From a medical viewpoint, such binges are damaging to body and mind. Should the same concept of over-consumption be applied to leisure activity? Being physically active brings positive health connotations. Is that why we feel that being sedentary for the several hours to catch up on a story of interest will affect health? Research is showing that such inactivity can be a problem. Even walking back and forth to the bathroom can help to stop the negative physical effects in adults. Yet, streaming often omits commercial breaks, so the prompt to get up and move a bit can be lost. Now, is it a waste of time? Would we feel the same if someone sat to read a book over a day off? Many of us need time to recoup energy lost during the week. For introverts this time alone allows us to be ready to face the world again <smile>.
I'm still working through the language society has adopted for the program viewing as well as my own punishing phraseology for taking time to do something enjoyable. A few lines of lyric came to mind when thinking about this one. The song I settled on speaks well to the concept of overindulgence -- not with serial television but the idea is quite similar. More than one song carries this title. I chose to share the older one today -- one with a hint of disco <smile>. It was one of two hits for the singer -- a less than stellar aspect of a successful larger career. Enjoy!
Party all the Time -- Eddie Murphy
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