Saturday, 31 October 2020

Day 7 - 305 -- Lunar Rarity

On the last day of October, we have a full moon, something that doesn't occur on Halloween often. There won't be another full moon on this day for another 19 years. The moon is a blue moon since it is the second full moon in the calendar month. It is often referred to as a Hunter Moon, the full moon following the Harvest Moon. This full moon also is the at the furthest point from earth of full moon this year. Hence, it can be called a micro moon. Meteorologist and others have pondered what to call this moon -- how to name something that has several titles. Several have settled on a string of names in this order -- Boo! Blue Micro Hunter Moon. So, if you are lucky enough to see this tonight, ponder it for a few minutes. It is a rarity. <smile> 

A song that came to mind today was written in 1934 by Rogers and Hart and has been covered by many singers over the 86 years. Interesting. I chose to share an upbeat cover by a doo wop group from 1961. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Blue Moon - The Marcels 

Friday, 30 October 2020

Day 7 - 304 -- Cold or Hot?

This was a very cool day -- cold, actually with the north wind. I wore gloves to drive to the two stores visited this afternoon. I'm really not ready for this kind of weather. To be honest, I never am. I'd be happy if we went from this straight into spring. However, that isn't the way seasons work in this part of the world. 

Days like this get me thinking of warmer places and areas I've visited. Some of these were hotter than I like, such as Bangkok, Singapore, Hawaii and New Orleans -- though that visit was in August <smile>.  I recall being in northern Thailand in late January when the day began at 75F. We all came out for the day tour wearing shorts and our guides were aghast that we weren't wearing sweaters and shawls like they were. They felt this was a cold day. Granted when it is into the 90s most days, this particular day would have felt cold. We tried to explain that when we left home, it had been -30F. They looked puzzled and then one said, "That's colder than the kitchen freezer." We agreed. They couldn't conceive of such a temperature. It is all about what we are used to. Today I felt 5C/40F was cold. Given time to acclimate, this same temp in January will feel warm. Still, today it felt cold. 

While thinking of warmer places, in my head I kept seeing the beaches and waves. People around the world participate in activities in these areas -- swimming, beach combing, riding waves. One song kept inserting itself into the vision of blue skies, warm temperatures and gorgeous ocean views. So, I will share that song with you all tonight with the caveat that this activity occurs in many countries <grin> -- even in Nova Scotia Canada. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Surfin' USA  -- The Beach Boys


Thursday, 29 October 2020

Day 7 - 303 -- Distances

Sunshine greeted the day, though cloud arrived by mid-day. Temperatures felt a bit brisk so I was thankful for the heavy fleece jacket. I headed out to run two errands, the first time I've been out of the house since the trip to do a grocery curbside pickup four days ago. The optician was alone at the office when I picked up my contacts. We discussed the new protocols in place for my appointment in early December. The plexi-glass at the front desk is delightful -- overlaid with the shape of a pair of glasses. That made me smile. The second stop was at the drugstore for paper products, milk and such. Even with two registers open, there was a lineup of 10 people. The aisle isn't long enough for more than three feet between customers, though. That was weird. Even with that, they were encouraging people to do a self-checkout with a staff person there to do it for them. Why not use one of the three other checkouts since there was one that was far enough apart from the others to keep people distanced? I've never seen it busy like that. 

Sometimes it seems like we are becoming a bit more lax about distancing. Masks are required in public buildings, so that is happening, but the distancing seems to be less pronounced. I understand that we have very few regional cases, but that is due to the 2 metre spaces that have been marked on floors and sidewalks and takeout locations. Even with that, people seem intent on standing between the marked spaces to make twice as many 1 metre distances. I get a bit edgy when I feel someone encroaching on my 2 metres. It won't get them served more quickly, so why not simply back off? <smile> When business staff and managers fail to call people on this behaviour, it lets folks get away with it once or twice and then it becomes 'OK' to do all the time. <sigh> We need a new reminder. The floor markers are great, but we need something new to push us back into those social distances. I'm not sure what that might be, but some creative soul should be able to suggest something fun and not punitive. <smile> 

Thinking of maintaining individual distances brought to mind a title and could of lines of a song. Two metres is not too far apart. Many people are separated from each other by miles. Maintaining short distances between people in social settings while wearing a mask will help everyone remain healthy. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

From a Distance -- Nanci Griffith

Day 7 - 302 -- Cooking, Talking, Remembering

Today held a phone appointment with an MD. It might have helped to have a bit of a physical exam, but verbal questions worked fairly well -- just another procedural change from the pandemic. I also had a good chat with a friend and found the correct person to help me access a web site that I have an account for by great difficulty navigating the obscure login procedures. So, some good things for the day. 

I cooked supper from scratch today. Being a colder day than we've had this fall, everything was roasted in the oven -- veggies and chicken -- with some leftovers for part of supper tomorrow. Yesterday I made a blueberry and raspberry crisp so that will be the bedtime snack for this week. I hope to get some large pot meals together so there is something in the freezer for days when I would rather not cook. Stew, red sauce, and the like as well as some sweet and sour sauce and chutneys will get me through the coming weeks. Yum. <smile> 

Overnight and during the day my mind was occupied with the one year anniversary of the loss of an amazing friend. We met through music and the vision I have has them at a concert with other friends and so many other musical folks. That makes me smile even with the tears. The song today describes some of what I see. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Rock and Roll Heaven -- Righteous Brothers

Day 7 - 301 -- Keeping Warm

Today began a week of heath appointments -- virtual and by phone. One research meeting has been moved to next week, so less in that arena for now. 

Today was also the coldest day so far this fall -- single digit highs with cloudiness. The house heat will need to be on from now on, I suspect. It is unlikely that any temperature fluctuations will reach beyond low teens at this point in the year. It is the time of year that I miss having a fireplace. I'd prefer it not be wood burning like those I've lived with in the past, but rather run on propane or electricity -- cleaner heat sources. Living in the middle of the forest, many people use wood heat in the winter with others using fuel oil. The wood smoke hangs in the air when colder days arrive, making the air quality less manageable. I've also donned the fleece sweaters and jackets to wear around the house particularly when sitting with the TV or laptop. The sweatshirts and sweaters will be out in the next week once things are aired out or laundered. Then I'll be all set for the next season. Well almost set. I do need to purchase a new pair of boots -- an online purchase since our local stores tend not to carry the brand that fits me best. 

The song chosen for today should bring a smile as it talks about ways to cope with cooler temperatures. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Turn up the heat and chill the rose -- Jimmy Buffet 

Monday, 26 October 2020

Day 7 - 300 -- Pandemic Liminality

Monday brought bright sunshine with very cool temperatures early in the day, with clouds returning for the expected rain overnight. I took advantage of the sunshine, and swept leaves off the porches and the front sidewalk. Then I walked through the accumulated leaves in the long driveway and looked at the trees from a different angle -- looking back at the house instead of just out from the front window. The smaller maples have turned but still haven't dropped all their leaves. I expect that to occur this week. The back yard is turning but won't likely fall for another couple of weeks. Walking over the front lawn, I looked at the lovely red leaves amongst the gold ones on the ground and inspected the other trees and shrubs. It is quite lovely, but tinged with a bit of wistfulness at this annual ending. 

While folding laundry and such indoors today, my thoughts settled on where we've traveled in the past 7+ months (about 224 days). It has been a wild ride and the next 3 months or so are expected to be difficult -- likely bringing some new alterations to daily living. Based on past few months, it became clear that the stresses of the pandemic exacerbated all other hurdles in life. Panic, fear, anxiety and so many other emotions led to less supportive actions and attitudes -- more inwardly focused on self rather than community. In some cases, discourse and actions became more combative. The caring for each other present during the first lockdown have been replaced with looking out for number one -- a more isolationist stance.  Indeed, there is a lot to contend with as we move through the unknown -- that liminal space between where we were and where we will be. There isn't a map for this. Techniques for travelers involve public health guidelines and vigilance. This may not feel like enough, but for the evidence we do have, this is the way to continue. Stay the course. Watch for others mired in the muddy bits and assist as best we can. 

This afternoon, I listened to a song shared by a friend on social media. It is from the '70s, written in a very different time. When I heard this latest version featuring the songwriter, the lyrics took on a whole new meaning for me. It fit well with the pondering of the day. Watch for the beautiful telecaster. Time for cuppa? <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

(What's so Funny 'bout) Peace, Love and Understanding -- Nick Lowe and The Southsea Alternative Choir

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Day 7 - 299 -- Back to Basics

Daytime highs remained lower than over the past week. Rain came and went throughout the day. The leaves in the front yard cover the ground with a wonderful golden blanket. The maples in the back yard are just beginning to turn, so it will be about two weeks before they fall. 

I love to walk through the leaves in the autumn. The front yard is ankle deep or greater. When dry, they make a soft rustling sound that makes me smile. Since we've had rain the past two days, we need a bit of sun to dry them so they don't become just a slippery mess. Even if I'm not heading out anywhere, I will keep an eye on this so that I can walk up and down the driveway and around under the trees. To be honest, I often feel sad when the yard caregiver removes the leaves. It does need to occur, but that day often feels like a loss. Shoveling snow will be much easier without them, though <grin>. 

The simple things -- like walking through the leaves -- can bring inner peace and moments of joy. These ponderings brought to mind a song from childhood. I've chosen a version by one of my dad's favourite musicians rather than the more recently commercialized movie versions. Stay safe. Enjoy!

The Bear Necessities -- Louis Armstrong



Day 7 - 298 -- New Traditions?

The weather brought a grey, gloomy cool fall day. Some light rain arrived later in the day. The gold leaves with orange and red highlights fell as we watched through the front window. Very little air movement was present to hurry the loss, just that it was time for those leaves to gently fall to the ground. There will be a deep ground cover by tomorrow -- the golden tree becoming the golden ground. Very cool. 

Recently I've read and heard much language indicating individuals or groups have become victims of th world around us. This seems to be instigated by having to change the way we do things this year. One example has been feeling sorry for children who will 'miss out' on Halloween this year due to the pandemic. Rather than being creative in doing something different and fun, such language makes the new activity sound like a pale imitation. Having a celebration at home or visiting select homes for handouts could be framed differently so that everyone could enjoy the change. Making new traditions in the face of challenges takes a different mindset, but it still can be fun. Obviously, there are many other changes we have all faced with more to come. Feeling like a victim will be part of the emotions encountered. Planning now for upcoming family events will give everyone time to adjust and to participate in planning the alternative celebrations within public health guidelines. 

One song came to mind to address the differences in upcoming celebrations. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Celebration -- Kool and the Gang

Day 7 - 297 -- Nature's Continued Changes

 Another Friday almost over. Time does fly by while it is dragging along. Very little was accomplished again today. A couple of phone calls and online orders were completed, but that seems so little for a whole day. <smile> Online shopping can take far longer than being in a store or two. Living out in the middle of the forest, though, means that fewer stores are available for in person shopping. So, today I had to hunt and order a few needed items. Groceries were ordered for pickup later this evening. As always, withing the hour after I've finalized the order, two or three needed things came to mind that were not on that list. They will need to wait until the next time I order or head out, I guess. I keep a list on the side of the fridge where items are recorded as the last of something is used or running out is immanent. For some reason, this week found several items that I'd noted verbally while in a different room and promptly forgot them when I was in the kitchen next. Again, frustrating. Thankfully, none of these things are necessary so waiting until next week will not be too much of a trial. 

When out tonight, I was glad for the heated seats in the car as it cooled quickly after sunset. We expect single digit lows overnight. When it had been close to 15C in the afternoon, this change can be shocking. The warmed seat felt comforting, too -- like being wrapped in a heated blanket while in a cold emergency room or -- better yet -- a warm hug on a cold day. It soon may be time to pull out the winter clothes for a refresh.Sadly this means putting the summer clothing away since there is no room in the closet for both. Nor is there any need for both to be out during winter here. So another task hits that infamous to do list <smile>. 

The continued changes in nature brought lyrics to mind from a '60s song. The duo was the beginning of a lengthy career for one member. Stay safe. Enjoy!   

The Beat Goes On -- Sonny and Cher

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Day 7 - 296 -- Spice of Life

 Sunshine and warm fall temperatures filled the day. I headed out to the bakery for bread and then to the drugstore for a few things, all of which were not available. Well, one was but the only option on the shelf was an exorbitant price for something far more filled with options that I do not need or want. The other lower tech items were not on the 8 empty shelf hangers. Frustrating. That meant a walk down the street to another drugstore and a department store for two key items. While in the second drugstore, I found a favourite gingersnap from a bakery down the highway. So, I added the cookies to my purchase -- there were two items to choose from at reasonable cost and tech level -- a good thing all around. 

It felt nice to get outside for a bit as I've been indoors for several days. Not heading to the office regularly or out for tea, lunch or dinner reduces the number of reasons to head outside. Having a head cold recently has made going for a walk less palatable.  

Finding the gingersnaps today brought a smile. The song for the day is an instrumental featuring a stellar -solo of a great drummer -- whose name fit well with the cookies of today -- both add spice to life. <grin>  Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Toad -- Cream ft. Ginger Baker

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Day 7 - 295 -- Letter Writing

The forecasters were correct -- more cloud and a bit of light rain today, but with much cooler temperatures that yesterday. This is more seasonal weather. I did a couple of small tasks around the house and caught up on a couple pieces of correspondence that were long overdue. I rested with a couple of movies during the afternoon. Each brought smiles. 

I tried to accept that I didn't feel up to heavier work today and allowed myself to focus on one or two small tasks. It seemed to work fairly well today.  When writing real letters to put into the mail tomorrow, a song lyric came to mind. Thankfully, many of us can see and speak to each other on video chat platforms now instead of relying on global postal systems for all communications. I've done both, and video is so very much better <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

The Letter -- The Box Tops


Day 7 - 294 -- Challenge to self

The day was fairly slow with very little occurring. I had good chats with two dear friends, each of which brought giggles. Outside the windows there was light cloud throughout the day with extremely warm temperatures for this time of year. With some added humidity, it felt even warmer. Some light rain is expected for tomorrow, so the cloud will remain for a day or two. 

Overall today I've had a feeling of weariness. I did not accomplish much. I did have great plans this morning, but very little was addressed. It can be difficult to accept that some days will be less productive than others. The reason behind the reduced activity level often finds its way to me. I've been told to be kinder to myself in such situations, but it can be challenging. The couple of lyric lines ran through my head today -- the lines repeat and note a reason why I should not feel so frustrated when things don't get done as I'd hoped for any given time period. I am not a super-being, just a human. I need to remember that some days, I guess <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Human -- Rag'n'Bone Man

Monday, 19 October 2020

Day 7 - 293 -- Needs, Wants and Dreams

 Have you ever encountered a question for which you needed to know the answer, but didn't want to know? I expect we all have experienced this in one form or other. I have been pondering such questions lately. The pandemic has brought many such conundrums. It seemed to me that the crux of this enigma lies between need and want or desire. Over the weekend, a post in a social media group brought this paradox to mind again. That statement noted the choice not to acknowledge needs but to allow dreams (Elatia Harris, chef, writer,editor from a post in Write the Kitchen). Perhaps putting needs aside when situations won't permit activities to meet our needs -- at least not in the near future. 

Much of the online expression of needs within that social media group has moved towards travel -- travel to experience food and culture and travel to be with friends and loved ones to share such experiences. I had hoped to be traveling for research and to spend time with those dear to me. The spring travel plans were postponed with a hope that this would occur in the fall. Well, that did not occur <sigh>. Some group members noted how wonderful it would be to spend a weekend in Paris or attend the opera or ballet for an evening. Distant others were part of these wishes. Yes - there are virtual ways of doing some of this, but it isn't the same. It is what we have now, though. 

The song lyric that ran through my head today spoke about needs and wants. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Can't always get what you want -- stones

Day 7 - 292 -- Morning Light

 When I opened my eyes this morning, the first thing I noticed was the gorgeous golden light coming in my window. Looking out the living room window a few minutes later, the explanation for that light became clear. Overnight, the entire maple tree had turned golden -- no green leaves left. More leaves wore red tinged edges than yesterday, too. This tree is several stories high so holds many, many leaves. When the softer autumn sun shines through the leaves, the light is tinted by the leaf pigment. Amazing. I had never experienced this when living on the prairies, so days like these feel special to me. 

The opening line of a song described how the light greeted me this morning. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Sunshine Superman -- Donovan 

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Day 7 - 291 --Refocusing

After a cloudy start to the day, the sun came out late morning just as I received some good news. Since rain was expected later, I headed out for a short walk -- shorter than the short walk I had planned. Even with the elevated mood from the news and wonderful sun, I still felt very fatigued -- even though other symptoms are improving slowly. Today is brought to you by the word - slow <smile>  I need to be patient and not expect so much from myself. I may wake full of ideas for what I want to do in the day, but the energy level will take a while to improve. Sinus infections can be such a pain -- literally and figuratively. <smile> 

A focus on the positives of the day helped me to see that things are improving. It can be so easy to see only the plans not completed and use that to measure one's success -- or failure -- for the day. I did get laundry started, changed lines, and did bits and pieces of a couple other planned tasks. So, the day was not a write-off, just different than I planned. The song shared today was chosen for the line about waking up to good things -- something we may not always recognize. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

The Miracle (of Joey Ramone) -- U2 

Friday, 16 October 2020

Day 7 - 290 -- Focus on Sunshine

Friday brought more fantastic sunshine, blue skies and warmer temperatures. I took time to sit and take in the beauty of the golden tone of the light shining through the yellow leaves, some with orange and red highlights. The front yard looked lovely. Indoors, I did some bits of housework, managed e-mails and social media messages, and rested. Still feeling a bit weary with a headache that comes and goes -- still feeling better than I did on the weekend. 

A song about sunshine came to mind today -- several actually. The one that I chose speaks to looking up and being positive about what you have -- all sounded good to me today. So, for a mood altering mindset, try this one. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Soak up the Sun -- Sheryl Crow

Day 7 - 289 -- Second Time Around

 Today was a bright sunny warm day with full blue sky. This is the type of day that makes fall so spectacular. It is unlikely that many more like this will grace us with their presence this year. While I was indoors for much of the day, I did manage to get out for an errand run briefly. It was majestic. We are to get a couple of mainly sunny days next week with warmish temperatures, so I do hope that I can get out to see some leaves and just enjoy a short drive on one of those days. 

Sunny days like today bring the desire to spend the days with friends walking, hiking, chatting and sharing good food and drink -- mostly spending time together in the wonderful outdoors. The freedom that we've had over the past several months -- and I know it has still been markedly restrained freedom -- will be behind us soon -- at least in the northern latitudes. Colder temperatures and the arrival of frozen ground cover will make outdoor visits and dining nearly impossible. There will be days when walks can be shared, but there will be less of the masked and distanced outdoor visits. Isolating will be more challenging. We have done this before, so know that we can do it again. In many ways, winter on its own brings less activity outside the home. Remaining vigilant with our personal bubbles and following public health protocols will help us get through the next few months while staying healthy. Make some plans now for things that can be done at home -- besides the inevitable shoveling <grin>. A list of things we want to do and that bring moments of joy, could help us to maintain mental health. Why not plan some viewing parties with whatever streaming service you and other households use? That can be a way of being together for movie night without actually being in the same room. I agree that it isn't the same, but it can help you feel closer to those across town or around the world. Try cooking and sharing dinner together online. Play board games on a virtual games night. Bring a sewing circle,exercise group or book club online to share and converse with others. Be creative and find things that work best for you. I guess the bottom line here is Be Prepared -- and yes, I was a Girl Guide years ago and a tester for some food related badges along the way. <smile> 

While thinking through this plan to make plans, I thought of a theoretical construct used in data analysis and futures planning. Rather than address the same question with the same response over and over, we could elevate the response. Take past knowledge and blend it with current knowledge to provide an upward spiral rather than the old, incessant circle. This is akin to hermeneutic circling, should you feel the need for an erudite term today <smile>. So, the bottom line is to think back to  what we knew and how we approached isolation in  March and refine that approach with what we know now. Use that as the base for making plans rather than goals that don't get addressed, thus making us feel worse about ourselves and life in general. Several lyrics and titles came to mind, but I settled on an older song due its repetitious chorus line -- which is likely more dog chasing its tail than a spiral <smile>. Try not to get stuck in the same old rut. This is a longer version than the original radio version. Interesting and goes with the idea of getting out of a rut or expectations. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Crimson and Clover -- Tommy James

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Day 7 - 288 -- Ongoing Adaptation

Major rain fell overnight and through the day --  the leftover parts of Delta passing through. I spent the day indoors -- and dry -- with a meeting and a weekly chat with a friend. Fatigue still present with some discomfort and stuffiness. I've spoken to a couple of other people who had a cold or sinus like thing recently that lasted for a few days with one friend telling me they laid on the couch 'in a heap' for that time. That description fits perfectly. <sigh> Yesterday more energy was present than today. Just weird. Into the evening when rain had stopped, I headed out for a takeout supper. It helped when I felt hungry and didn't want to take energy to cook for myself. And yes, there is privilege in that last statement. 

I then voted in the municipal election. For the second time, we could vote online, which makes sense during this pandemic. One more activity that we now accept doing differently. Adaptability is part of human existence. It may not be easy, but it is how we grow and move forward -- the whole learning process means we are changing mindset and activity. Some might call it progress. If we remain mired in the past ways, we won't explore new knowledge or attempt to find new or better ways of doing what we do daily. Some days we will want to hide from all the changes, but in the end, facing them and adapting will serve us best. 

Lyrics from the chorus of a song played over and over in my mind today. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Changes -- David Bowie

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Day 7 - 287 -- Restless Afternoon

 Today dawned sunny with that fantastic golden light of fall. I spent most of the day indoors doing housework and other tasks while waiting for the phone, internet and TV provider technician to arrive. Time window closed at 4 and he arrived about 20 minutes before that. What he had on the work order did not cover all of the issues -- just the phone, even though some other things still had glitches. He called the IT folks who reinstalled all the software as the help desk people had messed with things but didn't put it all back together in the end. The one laptop that refused to identify the home wifi networks after being hardwired with the ethernet cord. He helped me fix that, too. So -- finally someone who had the inside track to the higher up techs helped me fix this problem -- only took six days! 

Once the tech visit was completed, I headed up to the bakery for bread and found some super cookies, too. Not that I needed such things, but the cranberry raisin white chocolate oatmeal cookies called to me. <smile> It was still sunny so I headed out for a short walk, still focusing on the level areas to keep the knee from acting up. I still feel a bit fatigued and managed to fall asleep after supper. I will do a couple email responses and then settle down with a television show or movie. 

One thing that I am not very good at is waiting, so trying to do smaller tasks while waiting for the technician made time move so slowly. It made me anxious, too. The opening lyric of a ran through my brain this afternoon. It seemed perfect for today <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Tired of Waiting -- The Kinks

Day 7 - 286 -- Feeling Thankful

 This was a  sunny, cool fall day. I still feel very fatigued so I spent the day indoors. I did manage a small bit of laundry, but the rest of the day was spent in repose. 

Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada. I did go out in the evening to have dessert with friends -- homemade apple and pumpkin pies. Even the pumpkin came from the actual squash rather than a can. Luckily I didn't have to make up my mind and opted for a small slice of each -- totally delish! 

There are many things to be thankful for even with the world in the weird space it now occupies. A furry quadruped provides comfort and hugs -- much needed some days. Amazing friends help me through the rougher patched and celebrate the good stuff. Technology allows me to see and hear those close to me when we are far apart now. There are so many other things -- warm home, supportive community, great libraries, jigsaw puzzles, super books, great food, beauty of nature, access to good health care and living in a peaceful area. I do feel lucky.

Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating this month. A song from my childhood came to mind while thinking of the many things I have to be thankful for. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

My Favourite Things -- Julie Andrews

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Day 7 - 285 -- Vacillating Thoughts

 Today, I felt fatigued and stuffy -- the sinus infection acting up. I elected to stay home rather than take this lesser virus to a dinner with older folks who don't need to be exposed to this. Instead, I spent the day listening to movies and catching up online. Just resting. 

While driving through the coloured forest yesterday, I noted how it all seemed so normal -- no evidence of anything being amiss until you notice the masks. While most days the changing of seasons shows a spark of hope with something going on as expected, some days even being in tune with nature does not help me see the positives in the present or the days ahead. The weight of the many disasters that occur seems so much greater with the pandemic in place. There is little energy left to deal with such events. The changes to what we knew as daily life become overwhelming -- the lack of the entertainments we were used to, the way we did our daily work or schooling, how we shopped, and much, much more. We have found new ways to do some things through technology -- video meetings, streaming concerts, radio plays to name a small few as well as distancing and masking signs everywhere. My favourite floor markers are at Timmy's where patrons are encouraged to line up keeping 46 timbits apart. That humour helps with the required change in queues. We have adapted, but there will be more adaptations needed. Do we have what it takes? Most times,  I can answer that with a positive, but there are moments where that seems too much to ask. I tend towards optimism in most aspects of life, so I believe we will get through this but with a change in perspective, I'm sure. 

Such ponderings are likely due to me feeling deflated today. Missing Thanksgiving dinner might be part of this, too. I generally feel more positive. <smile> A song from an album released last week seemed to fit the mood today. The lyrics speak to the need to adapt and getting through the global viral pandemic. It helped a bit when I realized that others were thinking along similar lines and had the talent to turn these ideas into a song. Take care. Enjoy! 

Do What You Can -- Bon Jovi

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Day 7 - 284 -- A Twist on Traditions

 There was a cold start to the morning with single digit temperatures, but it warmed as the day moved forward -- back to usual higher daytime temperatures and overnight lows. 

We went for a long drive to a friend's for Thanksgiving weekend luncheon. The meal was divine -- lovely seafood chowder, fresh rolls, mixed green salad and bread pudding. Conversation was lively and fun. It was a wonderful event with a local twist of food traditions of the time of year. 

Some lovely leaves had turned in the forested hills along the drive there and back. We stopped for a wonderful ocean view, but with gale winds blowing straight in off the Atlantic. I enjoyed seeing the picturesque little villages along the way. 

For those following the sage of the service provider, the latest brought more questions. The call back I was to promised about 24 hours ago, had not transpired. I called once I got settled when back home. I had to enter back at the beginning with lengthy wait time, but I was prepared. When I entered my account information, I was told there was an open ticket on my account. The recording noted that a service technician was to arrive sometime Tuesday afternoon (it is Thanksgiving weekend with Monday being the holiday here) and did I accept that time or not. Now my question is -- how was I to know of this so I could accept it if I didn't call back of my own accord? Why did someone not call to tell me the problem couldn't be fixed remotely (something I already knew with the time it was taking with the lack of a fix). At least, they could have left me a voice mail since the phone does take incoming calls as the last person clearly knew when she called me on that line last night. <sigh> Guess I need to find their social media page and ask a couple questions <shaking head>. I did ask to speak to someone, but after 30 minute wait I just gave up. Will try communicating in a less traditional way. Maybe semaphore or signal fires might work. <loud eye roll>. 

The visit to the shore and small fishing villages reminded me of several songs from the man east coast musicians. I chose one by an iconic folk artist that tells of the hardships of sticking to the traditional way of life. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Make and Break Harbor -- Stan Rogers

Friday, 9 October 2020

Day 7 - 283 -- Further Flipping Frustrations

When preparing breakfast today, I looked up and out the kitchen window to see a scene change overnight. To be more specific, a colour change had occurred. I moved the stuff off the porches -- heavy wet slush <sigh>. More fell from the sky as pellets and fluid drops -- way too early for this stuff. Tomorrow is to be 18C, so it will leave overnight. Much has left already, but some shaded areas still had small bits evident. 

I also woke to no wifi, tv, phone. I chose to eat and have caffeine and then called again -- had called last night. The person today told me I could connect to internet through an ethernet cable -- a bit confined as it acts like a desktop and no traveling around while reading or talking.  The help person then pushed it to Team 2 who have deeper access to the system telling me I'd hear from them by phone call in 3 hours or so. They called after two with an automated voice asking me if the problem was corrected. Still no phone or internet with wifi. So, I had to re-explain the week long issues. The Team 2 person worked to fix the lack of wifi and tv -- successfully so far. The telephone had to be sent to another department as that seemed not to reset. That call might come today and might not <sigh>. About 30 minutes later, I got a call from the provider on the home phone not the cell as expected. It was a survey to tell them how well they did with the call from last night. <big big sigh>. When I hung up and tried to dial out, I got a busy signal instead of a dial tone.     <??>  A friend called me on the home phone an hour later. So, it is clear the phone can receive calls but still can't make calls. So very goofy. 

Latest update -- I got a call from the telephone people on the home phone -- which still receives. Asked if there was a dial tone. I said not last time I checked. Was it a busy signal. Yes. Can you unplug the phone? I then asked that they call me on the cell as had been requested and they could walk me through whatever it is I have to do with the home phone. It was my impression that if I unplugged the phone I was speaking to her on, that the conversation would end. <shaking head> So, I asked if she had that number and she repeated it back to me and we said goodbye. It has been at least 20 minutes with no return call. And no way for me to return her 'private caller' call. I'm about to head to the shower shortly if I don't hear from her. <exasperated loud sigh>

Working with large corporations that charge amazing amounts of money for their services can be challenging when the services don't work. Keeping calm is best but can be a challenge when you hear the same thing over and over and say you've already tried these steps. The 'help' has to stick to the script which wastes everyone's time. It is like a game and I always feel on the losing side as the power is held elsewhere. That side tries to remain upbeat and tells me that things will be fixed and if they aren't I can call again, and again and again. <sigh> The title of a song came to mind with these feelings. Today is the 80th anniversary of the singer-songwriter. So good to have all that great music to get us through life. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!

Mind Games -- John Lennon

Day 7 - 282 -- E-Troubles

 Rain fell during the night with lighter sprinkles during the day. My walks were purposeful today. One went to the drugstore for seniors discount day. Later I headed to a restaurant to pick up some takeout supper -- too lazy and hungry to cook something reasonable, so had someone else cook for me today. Leftovers are great! 

We have been experiencing wifi disruptions over the past week. Today they moved from frustrating to unbearable. The TV signal, internet wifi and voip telephone were off more than they were on today. The signal is lost and then if I wait 15-30 minutes it is found for about 10-15 minutes and then is lost again. I called the provider and waited for 20 minutes when the home phone went dead. I redialed on the cell and waited another 30 minutes to speak to someone. We walked through their trouble shooting guide, even though I'd done most of this already <sigh>. When the tv signal returned (likely on its own) the help line person declared the problem fixed and said if I had further problems they were there 24/7 to 'help'. The internet signal lasted less than 5 minutes and the tv for about 10. I was so frustrated, I couldn't phone and be human. So -- went out for a walk. When I returned all items were working and seemed to function until I fell asleep. 

This rather trying day left me feeling so frustrated that my thought processes seemed not to work. As a non-tech nerd, I felt useless, though I had done exactly what the guy on the phone did. Trouble was it just didn't work, so the difficulty was outside my control -- something I seemed to have trouble with today. When things were working by the time I thought about heading off to bed, I tried to revisit the day and think of tomorrow as a day when things will get better. These thought came along with a few lines from a song -- on an album I played so much it nearly wore out. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Don't Stop -- Fleetwood Mac

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Day 7 - 281 -- Autumn Melancholy

This afternoon I made an unscheduled walk to the library on campus. the three front doors have signs designating new traffic flow patters, one entrance, one exit and the third has become the area for IT appointments complete with a walled off area. This requires an appointment with no walk ins allowed due to the pandemic. I had an IT appointment, but also needed to return a book. As I entered the library proper signs noted that I was to wait in line until my appointment time. I was the only one there, so held my book up and asked if I could return this inter-library load inside. They acquiesced. There is an outer return slot now that we should be using. I know I didn't miss an e-mail with all this information, so wondered how everyone else learned it <smile>. To remove the annoying error message on my laptop screen required only a cold boot and login while hardwired to the campus system. Bizarre, but it is now working without telling me the OS licence will expire at some nebulous 'soon'. So, all is well there. <smile>

The mix of clouds and sun showed the amazing light of autumn which accentuate the leaf colours. The ivy (actually Virginia creeper) covering the library is turning red. Some shrubs have become red and a fuchsia pink -- stunning. 

Being on campus in the fall always reminds me of the many times in my life I've returned to an academic schedule as a student or faculty member -- the excitement and laughter and comradery. Today, though, felt so different while walking around -- a type of melancholy. A positive moment was walking by a choral quintet and conductor practicing in the square -- all distance. It sounded so soothing. 

Lyrics that touch on the feelings from that campus walk today note that something is missing. Contrary to the lyrics, I understand what it is -- just don't know what things will look like when it is 'fixed'. It also has a great line about how fall sneaks into the summer feelings. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Something Missing -- John Mayer


Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Day 7 - 280 -- Pondering Losses

 The day began with a state funeral for former PM and senior statesman, John Turner, who passed away two weeks ago. This man was an environmentalist who canoed more Canadian rivers in the north than most Canadians get to see in person. He sat on the board of World Wildlife Foundation - Canada and participated in protecting large areas of land for wildlife and fauna. With a good sense of humour, he was known to respond to a complaint about he weather with, "Are you a tourist or a Canadian?" <smile> I heard him speak live once. He was a pluralist at heart -- something that I recognized in myself. As an 'old-style' politician, he would debate an issue with a counterpart from another party and still retain civility curing and after such encounters. He will be missed, but left us with much to aspire towards. 

Today a rock legend died. Eddie van Halen's guitar style set the standard for what we expected from guitarists who came along after he began. It is another major loss to the music world, but his legacy is huge. 

The song for today was noted by a friend as one that makes even non-dancers get up on the dance floor. <smile> It contains the recognizable style of Eddie van Halen. Stay well. Enjoy! 

Jump -- Eddie van Halen

Day 7 - 279 -- Mundane Monday

 As a Monday, the day went reasonably well. <smile> The day was cloudier than it has been and bits of drizzle fell into the early evening. Temperatures felt cooler, too -- all a reminder that the Fall season is in full swing. 

I headed to the physio for a check in with a knee bursitis. New exercises should help. A long phone chat with a friend I've known since infancy was great. We always seem to have something to talk about <smile>. I did a bit of writing work but have a couple of newer hurdles to overcome. 

All in all, it was a good day -- ups and downs well balanced. It has made me think of a song that I've used here before -- one that speaks to the positive nature of a mundane day. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Ordinary Day -- Great Big Sea

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Day 7 - 278 -- Hanging onto Hope

We had a wonderful sunny Sunday afternoon. I occupied myself with hunting for items that were mired in one pile or other in the office that has become a storage space <sigh>. I did find what I looked for along with other 'oh' or 'ah ha' items and bits of dust and critter hair <smile>. So, all ended well for the hunt and for postponed cleaning chores. The rest of the day involved further household chores and bits of other items from that infamous 'to do' list. 

While working away today, I found myself pondering the present and future with a focus on hope -- trying to keep thoughts in a positive space. Long ago, a repeated phrase at work was "change is the only constant" -- always in response to some new protocols necessary to do our daily work tasks. The current pandemic world accentuates the usual changes to daily life as well as bringing other changes related to keeping ourselves and others safe. A song came to mind that fit the hopeful or positive way of thinking about the future. It is sung by an artist we lost three years ago this week. Luckily, he left much music for us to continue to enjoy. Keep Safe. Enjoy!   

Something Good Coming -- Tom Petty

Day 7 - 277 -- Fall and Autumn

It is upon us -- the fall part of autumn. I took a snow brush with me to remove leaves from the car today. The windshield, roof and hood were completely covered with a 2-3 inch layer of leaves from a single tree that has changed completely just this week. The maple and ash trees have either not begun changing or have edges of a handful of leaves with hits of orange and red. I headed to the office this afternoon to print documents, pick up work mail, and chat with a friend working on classes for next week. The day was cloudy with the cooler temperatures of fall back with us. 

For the rest of my day, I swept floors and did some laundry. I finished the latest puzzle that was on the dining table. The theme was cats -- mainly advertising posters, book covers, artworks, ceramic and metal sculptures and bits of playfulness with cartoon characters showing up in several places. It was challenging, especially for the black cats on black backgrounds, but it was fun to do. I do find a bit of calmness when getting the thinking brain working at pattern recognition which can overrule the emotional stresses of the limbic system. I've heard of possible thanksgiving weekend plans -- time will tell. I will need to revisit my vegetable dishes to see what might be interesting to contribute to a meal. 

A line from an older song came to mind today. The title plays with the leaves I encountered in my driveway. I smiled at this thought -- hope it does the same for you. <grin>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Fallin' -- Connie Francis

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Day 7-276 -- Uplifting Walk

Thin cloud covered the sky and obscured part of the sunshine by creating a huge filter. The clouds thinned every now and then releasing the great solar loading from the sun, which is still very warm at this time of year. 

I went for a long walk with a friend along the estuary on the east side of town this afternoon. It was a busy place with many walkers -- some very serious walkers. It was great to visit with or simply greet a few people we saw while walking -- many of them I hadn't seen in some time. It helped to feel a bit more normal to see others out enjoying the landing walk. Scenery was amazing. Trees are beginning to change colour with hints and pops of colour in the trees along the way. Many families of ducks were out on the water. Everyone was out to enjoy the great fall day. There was an occasional light, cool breeze that was refreshing. My friend and I sat and had a cup of tea and a fresh homemade muffin after the walk and then headed to our respective homes. 

Walking brings an upbeat feeling and helps soothe inner tensions. Today was no different. It reminded me of the chorus lines from a song. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Walking on Sunshine -- Katrina and the Waves

Day 7 - 275 -- Past, Present, Future

 It was a glorious sunny day with a bit of a breeze -- well, it was a wind <smile>. The air felt warm, but not as hot as the past two days have been. A drier air mass in place reduced the discomfort from humidity of recent days, too. A friend and I went for a late lunch at the new outdoor deck downtown -- they call it a patio -- for the first time eating out since February <smile> We went at 1:30 PM in order to avoid the crowds and it worked. Only one other table had people finishing their meal. Tables were well spaced and the outdoor air offered great air circulation, something indoor venues don't do as well. What we think of as cozy for a restaurant involves lower ceilings and narrow places -- air doesn't move well there. The comfort of the past, now feels a bit oppressive. It was a fun outing. 

Thinking of the communications of the past few days, I feel extremely lucky for the wonderful people in my life -- those who clearly care for me. I've been feeling guilty for not keeping in touch with several people, so still need to do those notes for the mail (not everyone spends as much time online as many of us do). I still don't know what holds me back from writing a quick note to say 'hi' and ask how they are doing. Maybe it is that a  reciprocal exchange of information would be expected and I don't know what to say without sounding sorry for myself some days <smile>.  

Today I heard a single from a new album that had a great line -- "from now on, I ain't gonna wait so long". As a very dear friend often reminds us, let those you care about know - now. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Take care. Enjoy! 

I Called Mama -- Tim McGraw