Sunday, 11 October 2020

Day 7 - 285 -- Vacillating Thoughts

 Today, I felt fatigued and stuffy -- the sinus infection acting up. I elected to stay home rather than take this lesser virus to a dinner with older folks who don't need to be exposed to this. Instead, I spent the day listening to movies and catching up online. Just resting. 

While driving through the coloured forest yesterday, I noted how it all seemed so normal -- no evidence of anything being amiss until you notice the masks. While most days the changing of seasons shows a spark of hope with something going on as expected, some days even being in tune with nature does not help me see the positives in the present or the days ahead. The weight of the many disasters that occur seems so much greater with the pandemic in place. There is little energy left to deal with such events. The changes to what we knew as daily life become overwhelming -- the lack of the entertainments we were used to, the way we did our daily work or schooling, how we shopped, and much, much more. We have found new ways to do some things through technology -- video meetings, streaming concerts, radio plays to name a small few as well as distancing and masking signs everywhere. My favourite floor markers are at Timmy's where patrons are encouraged to line up keeping 46 timbits apart. That humour helps with the required change in queues. We have adapted, but there will be more adaptations needed. Do we have what it takes? Most times,  I can answer that with a positive, but there are moments where that seems too much to ask. I tend towards optimism in most aspects of life, so I believe we will get through this but with a change in perspective, I'm sure. 

Such ponderings are likely due to me feeling deflated today. Missing Thanksgiving dinner might be part of this, too. I generally feel more positive. <smile> A song from an album released last week seemed to fit the mood today. The lyrics speak to the need to adapt and getting through the global viral pandemic. It helped a bit when I realized that others were thinking along similar lines and had the talent to turn these ideas into a song. Take care. Enjoy! 

Do What You Can -- Bon Jovi

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