Sunday, 25 October 2020

Day 7 - 298 -- New Traditions?

The weather brought a grey, gloomy cool fall day. Some light rain arrived later in the day. The gold leaves with orange and red highlights fell as we watched through the front window. Very little air movement was present to hurry the loss, just that it was time for those leaves to gently fall to the ground. There will be a deep ground cover by tomorrow -- the golden tree becoming the golden ground. Very cool. 

Recently I've read and heard much language indicating individuals or groups have become victims of th world around us. This seems to be instigated by having to change the way we do things this year. One example has been feeling sorry for children who will 'miss out' on Halloween this year due to the pandemic. Rather than being creative in doing something different and fun, such language makes the new activity sound like a pale imitation. Having a celebration at home or visiting select homes for handouts could be framed differently so that everyone could enjoy the change. Making new traditions in the face of challenges takes a different mindset, but it still can be fun. Obviously, there are many other changes we have all faced with more to come. Feeling like a victim will be part of the emotions encountered. Planning now for upcoming family events will give everyone time to adjust and to participate in planning the alternative celebrations within public health guidelines. 

One song came to mind to address the differences in upcoming celebrations. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Celebration -- Kool and the Gang

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