Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Day 7 - 294 -- Challenge to self

The day was fairly slow with very little occurring. I had good chats with two dear friends, each of which brought giggles. Outside the windows there was light cloud throughout the day with extremely warm temperatures for this time of year. With some added humidity, it felt even warmer. Some light rain is expected for tomorrow, so the cloud will remain for a day or two. 

Overall today I've had a feeling of weariness. I did not accomplish much. I did have great plans this morning, but very little was addressed. It can be difficult to accept that some days will be less productive than others. The reason behind the reduced activity level often finds its way to me. I've been told to be kinder to myself in such situations, but it can be challenging. The couple of lyric lines ran through my head today -- the lines repeat and note a reason why I should not feel so frustrated when things don't get done as I'd hoped for any given time period. I am not a super-being, just a human. I need to remember that some days, I guess <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Human -- Rag'n'Bone Man

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