Today held a phone appointment with an MD. It might have helped to have a bit of a physical exam, but verbal questions worked fairly well -- just another procedural change from the pandemic. I also had a good chat with a friend and found the correct person to help me access a web site that I have an account for by great difficulty navigating the obscure login procedures. So, some good things for the day.
I cooked supper from scratch today. Being a colder day than we've had this fall, everything was roasted in the oven -- veggies and chicken -- with some leftovers for part of supper tomorrow. Yesterday I made a blueberry and raspberry crisp so that will be the bedtime snack for this week. I hope to get some large pot meals together so there is something in the freezer for days when I would rather not cook. Stew, red sauce, and the like as well as some sweet and sour sauce and chutneys will get me through the coming weeks. Yum. <smile>
Overnight and during the day my mind was occupied with the one year anniversary of the loss of an amazing friend. We met through music and the vision I have has them at a concert with other friends and so many other musical folks. That makes me smile even with the tears. The song today describes some of what I see. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Rock and Roll Heaven -- Righteous Brothers
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