Thursday, 29 October 2020

Day 7 - 301 -- Keeping Warm

Today began a week of heath appointments -- virtual and by phone. One research meeting has been moved to next week, so less in that arena for now. 

Today was also the coldest day so far this fall -- single digit highs with cloudiness. The house heat will need to be on from now on, I suspect. It is unlikely that any temperature fluctuations will reach beyond low teens at this point in the year. It is the time of year that I miss having a fireplace. I'd prefer it not be wood burning like those I've lived with in the past, but rather run on propane or electricity -- cleaner heat sources. Living in the middle of the forest, many people use wood heat in the winter with others using fuel oil. The wood smoke hangs in the air when colder days arrive, making the air quality less manageable. I've also donned the fleece sweaters and jackets to wear around the house particularly when sitting with the TV or laptop. The sweatshirts and sweaters will be out in the next week once things are aired out or laundered. Then I'll be all set for the next season. Well almost set. I do need to purchase a new pair of boots -- an online purchase since our local stores tend not to carry the brand that fits me best. 

The song chosen for today should bring a smile as it talks about ways to cope with cooler temperatures. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Turn up the heat and chill the rose -- Jimmy Buffet 

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