Sunday, 25 October 2020

Day 7 - 299 -- Back to Basics

Daytime highs remained lower than over the past week. Rain came and went throughout the day. The leaves in the front yard cover the ground with a wonderful golden blanket. The maples in the back yard are just beginning to turn, so it will be about two weeks before they fall. 

I love to walk through the leaves in the autumn. The front yard is ankle deep or greater. When dry, they make a soft rustling sound that makes me smile. Since we've had rain the past two days, we need a bit of sun to dry them so they don't become just a slippery mess. Even if I'm not heading out anywhere, I will keep an eye on this so that I can walk up and down the driveway and around under the trees. To be honest, I often feel sad when the yard caregiver removes the leaves. It does need to occur, but that day often feels like a loss. Shoveling snow will be much easier without them, though <grin>. 

The simple things -- like walking through the leaves -- can bring inner peace and moments of joy. These ponderings brought to mind a song from childhood. I've chosen a version by one of my dad's favourite musicians rather than the more recently commercialized movie versions. Stay safe. Enjoy!

The Bear Necessities -- Louis Armstrong



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