The day began with a state funeral for former PM and senior statesman, John Turner, who passed away two weeks ago. This man was an environmentalist who canoed more Canadian rivers in the north than most Canadians get to see in person. He sat on the board of World Wildlife Foundation - Canada and participated in protecting large areas of land for wildlife and fauna. With a good sense of humour, he was known to respond to a complaint about he weather with, "Are you a tourist or a Canadian?" <smile> I heard him speak live once. He was a pluralist at heart -- something that I recognized in myself. As an 'old-style' politician, he would debate an issue with a counterpart from another party and still retain civility curing and after such encounters. He will be missed, but left us with much to aspire towards.
Today a rock legend died. Eddie van Halen's guitar style set the standard for what we expected from guitarists who came along after he began. It is another major loss to the music world, but his legacy is huge.
The song for today was noted by a friend as one that makes even non-dancers get up on the dance floor. <smile> It contains the recognizable style of Eddie van Halen. Stay well. Enjoy!
Jump -- Eddie van Halen
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