Saturday, 30 January 2021

Day 8 - 30 -- Repetition

 Another cloudy day -- sorry, if I'm sounding like a stuck record,  but this repeating pattern is winter in the maritimes. No extra snow arrived today, but there may be some overnight and into tomorrow. It does feel colder, though. Now, I know it has been much colder elsewhere in the country this season. We have been lucky so far with fewer cold days. Well, there are 6 weeks of winter left, unless the groundhog tells us differently on Tuesday <grin>. 

Most of my day was spent doing household chores, but there is so much more deep cleaning to do -- like spring cleaning but early. Further work with corners and behind furniture will help get rid of the dust and such that just seems to accumulate out of no where. Sadly, it won't stop showing up just because I do a major clean. 

While hunting dust bunnies today, a song line ran through my mind. The bass line is wonderful. I would replace the word 'bullets' with 'bunnies' for this one <giggle>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Another One Bites the Dust -- Queen

Friday, 29 January 2021

Day 8 - 29 -- Baking Therapy

No meetings or appointments were scheduled today. I worked on some items on the infamous 'to do' list for some time. I began with a short walk out to mail a letter and buy a loaf of bread. Temperatures stayed around freezing. Icy bits covered the porch and steps with other smaller patches on the town sidewalks. The walk felt colder than usual due to higher humidity and a light wind out of the north. We expect a small bit of snow each of the coming several days with the potential for something larger mid-week. For now, though, nothing to shovel today. <smile> However, the ice meant needing to watch where feet were going rather than looking at the surroundings -- a different form of isolation. 

During the afternoon, I decided to bake muffins. I made two batches. One is a recipe from childhood that was shared by a woman in mom's church group. It was a favourite of mom's that I've made many times. Today, though, the 20 minute cook time was closer to 30. The things just didn't want to set inside the browned tops. I'm not sure if they will be rubbery but will find this out at bedtime snack. The second batch was one I was given by a heart health workshop client during my public health nutrition days. It is an oat bran muffin with a lot of the oat fibre in each muffin -- something that can reduce cholesterol levels for some people. These turned out wonderfully. 

Baking and walking felt therapeutic and got my thoughts in a better place. Even with the hiccup along the way, everything turned out well. It made me feel like dancing. <grin> This song felt as good a any to start the process. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Let's Dance On -- The Monkees

Day 8 - 28 -- A Day for Mental Health

Today was Bell Let's Talk Day -- the 11th annual day to build on conversations surrounding mental health. Repeated themes during the day included "We're all in this together" and "Be there." The former refers to mental health challenges of the pandemic and the latter stresses the need to offer assistance or just to sit with someone when things get particularly dark. 

The lack of social contact -- in person contact -- of the past 10+ months has led to much stress, anxiety and depression. People may recognize that they don't feel quite 'right' but due to social comparison, they may feel their problems are not as bad as others, so feel guilty bringing them into a conversation. Coming together virtually can help somewhat, but it can also emphasize the inability to share the same physical space. Self-care becomes key. Finding new ways to practice self care may help. Connect virtually with someone over a meal. Join an online group fitness class or a virtual book club. Take a shower or a bath. Go for a short walk. These -- and many other -- activities can help us cope with stress, anxiety and panic. They may help us to feel less lonely, hopeless, or tired. 

While self care is important, so is helping others. In fact, this can be a form of self care that helps us to feel useful. We don't have to try to fix the problems of others, but instead should be ready to listen or sit with someone/ Both show that we care. Choosing not to invite someone out for walk because they often say no, takes the control away from someone. Never assume. If they choose not to participate that day, ask again later. Don't drop them from your contact list. We may notice that someone just hasn't been their usual self. Starting a conversation by stating what you've noticed can be a big first step. Simply asking , "How can I help" will mean a lot. Can we help around the house, pick up groceries or sit with a cup of tea together? Asking for help can be difficult, so go first and offer. 

The song today is from an album released last summer by a Canadian singer-songwriter. It deals with her personal struggles with postpartum depression and anxiety. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Diagnosis -- Alanis Mor


Shawn Mendes -- mental health song

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Day 8 - 27 -- Find that Smile

My day involved a phone chat with a friend and colleague and a wonderful brief walk in the afternoon. There was a light breeze and the air was damp. With temperatures just above freezing this added to my feeling cold. The sky was grey with full cloud cover, but not as dark as days when there are larger impending snow falls. A friend living west of here noted that the 1-3 cm/0.5-1.5 inches expected overnight turned into 20 cm/8 inches -- so a lot more to move this morning. Forecasts can be off by a bit or a hefty amount, so mornings always hold a surprise -- either just what we expected <surprise> or whoa -- not at all what I expected <SURPRISE> 

Many people seem to be feeling they are so over it all -- working from home, home schooling, not traveling, not seeing family and friends, but more to the point, the uncertainty of when will we be able to mingle with smaller groups. When will vaccines occur for household members? When? When? When? <sigh> The fatigue involved with this mess has been with us for months now. Throwing in the towel and just staying in bed sounds doable some days. The effort to keep moving forward seems overwhelming when not sure what is ahead or when we should push through a wall. 

Finding the small things that can help us to smile may help. Watch a comedy. Find the absurd in daily challenges. Converse with those separated from us. Find things in each day that make us smile. It takes effort, but feeling better for a bit can give some hope to a gloomy day or situation. A song came to mind, but not because it spoke of taking hold of what we can control. Actually, the lyrics seem more defeatist and overwhelmed by the greater systemic issues. My thesis is that to survive we need to take a bit of time to focus on finding a smile -- even if it is reflecting on when we smiled during the day. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Waiting on the World to Change -- John Mayer

Day 8 - 26 -- Choices

The highlight today involved a small gathering for a friend's birthday -- 4 people from 3 households. Dinner was fantastic and I arrived home feeling rather stuffed <smile>. Time together involved a lot of laughter and helped me to feel more relaxed for a bit. I miss doing this as regularly as we did less than a year ago. Spontaneity seems lost. I am someone who plans days at home, work or travel. I carry that 'to do' list into everything. Sometimes this involves a list of places to see that I put into bundles generally based on location. When in a large city, it makes more sense to head in one direction and visit places of interest in that locale -- efficiency at play here. Things aren't planned down to the minute, so watching the clock isn't generally necessary. I do my day plans similarly. Chunking things together can help with focus -- household chores, meeting with colleagues or friends, heading out for a walk with or without errands, making supper, and relaxing in the evening. Given this propensity to organize things does not mean that I don't take advantage of something new that may present itself, such as tea with a friend, in person or virtually. Being flexible shows that a small degree of normalcy can fit into the current lifestyle. Remaining open to changing plans can bring a sense of calm some days, too. 

The next time something new enters your surround, take time to assess it and choose to alter your plan for the day or not to make changes. This demonstrates that we do have control of some things in our lives -- something important to recognize in this time of major uncertainty. 

All this thinking brought a song to mind. The artist is a favourite of mine. The lyrics speak about traveling through life -- a bit philosophical in tone <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Any Road -- George Harrison

Monday, 25 January 2021

Day 8 - 25 -- Virtual Sign Posts

As a communication person -- educator, public health messaging and media researcher -- I've often wondered just how the pandemic is changing communication skills. Virtual meetings have created exhaustion. Psychologists explain that we need new skills to catch the attitude or mood nuances on screen -- things we know how to do when in the same space. Well, we know how to read people without masks <smile>. Dealing with these impediments to clear communication for over ten months has delivered exhausted, frustrated human beings. And that happens when technology functions correctly. With lags, software and audio difficulties, things become even more challenging.

Electronic communications result in attention wandering as our listening skills differ when we can't see all aspects of our conversants. New subtleties of communication are being learned and sadly, others are being unlearned. When we are back in the same space, how will this affect communications? The hope is that we will be able to relax a bit and interact as we learned to when toddlers. There will be the need to focus in a different way yet again. Using active listening skills again may take time but we will get the hang of things again. In the meantime, use of these skills virtually requires more effort and energy than we may have at times <smile>. Perhaps having regular check-ins about virtual communications could provide the support needed to wade through the challenges. 

I guess the point of my pondering is that more audio only and screen meetings means we need to learn to read folks differently -- see the signs in different ways. It can work but it can fail, too. <smile> Keeping a positive outlook can help with the latter as could the check-ins. A song lyric about reading the signs ran through my head. It came from a 1970 recording, Today, I share a cover made 20 years later. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Signs -- Tesla

Sunday, 24 January 2021

Day 8 - 24 -- Milestone Birthday

 He has sold 100 million records globally. His career has been 50+ years. His songwriting talents provided hits for many artists, including the best known song by the Monkees -- I'm a Believer -- which was one of four that group recorded written by this artist. His voice is unmistakable. He has acted in several movies. He has had 10 #1 hits on the US charts. Many will know this description as that of Neil Diamond. Today is his 80th birthday. 

I know many of his songs by rote. They were part of my youth soundtrack -- big ballad sounding songs and others decidedly earworms. I wandered through many of his songs today trying to choose one for the blog. I wanted one other than the major hits, but a hit nonetheless. I finally chose one, though I'd likely keep choosing if I just sat here and listened to others. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

I am, I said -- Neil Diamond

Day 8 - 23 -- Theatre Evening

It has been a usual Saturday today with one exception. I went to the theatre! Well, it was online and not in person, but it was a wonderful event. The audience participated via Zoom with huge screens stretching across the theatre so the actor could see everyone. As we signed in, our view was of the screens -- the view from the stage. It was similar to watching people as they arrive to be seated in actual seats. The single actor called on audience members to participate individually and as a group and there was a discussion time after the performance to elicit questions and comments on the topic and process. The play dealt with the experiences of Freedom Riders in the early 1960s as adovates for desegregation in the southern US -- a hefty topic. As someone who values history and education, I have found the use of theatre a unique pedagogical device. This playwright-actor-producer made history culturally relevant and contextualized history within the current time. Much research back up the multiple characters played by the actor so stories reflected true experiences. The discussion clearly showed that audience members saw the content as germane to current day events. 

This is the second time I have joined this type of group -- each with the same artist. Locally, our summer rep and local theatre seasons have been canceled. Local actors and playwrights have developed radio plays in lieu of live stage productions. I enjoy listening to these in the installment process of the 1940s that my parents and grandparents spoke of often. Yet, I am still an audience of one. With the Zoom process and a live production, I felt part of a larger audience. While not the same as sitting in the same large room together, we were still together and could see each other on the screen. I so enjoyed the creativity of the play as well as the innovative presentation style.  One thought I had when reflecting on my experience was if anyone had spoken of exploring the experiences of audience members and the actor with this type of production. The artist spoke a bit of how the process affected his performance, but I'm sure there is much more that could be learned from this type of research question. Hey, I had been told that the educator and researcher part of my thought processes would not go away even after retirement. Guess they were correct. That part of the brain isn't switching off any time soon <grin>. 

The song shared today was sung during the play tonight. It refers to laws of segregation that were present in Canada as well as the US. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Halleluja, I'm Traveling -- Chris Vallillo

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Day 8 - 22 -- Finding Calm

This was a busy day filled with running errands for groceries and other supplies. After a quick -- and late lunch -- I walked out for a routine medical appointment. It was a longer walk, and I did feel fatigued after the hour long trek that included one major hill. <smile> When I finally arrived home, I was ready for a good sit and relax. I listened to some soothing and uplifting music that helped me decompress.

After supper, I found myself listening to a movie. One song felt so much like a lullaby,, I drifted off into a nap. It was the melody, instrumentation, tempo and vocals that felt calming. The lyrics played no role for a change. When I listened to the words later, it isn't the sort of song that appears here often. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

You've Got a Way -- Shania Twain


Day 8 - 21 -- Into the Future

Today involved a phone meeting and a weekly chat with a dear friend. We used to get together in person often. Spring weather will bring time when we can walk regularly and sit together outside with a cup of tea as we did in the summer and fall. In the meantime, we may try on warmer days to walk and drink tea. There is a light at the end of the tunnel -- a faint glimmer with the potential to grow. While in the midst of the latest virus wave, government actions and community attitudes should help to control transmission. Vaccination sites are expanding, though vaccine delivery will be slowed for the next three weeks. The positive in that lies in vaccines continuing even if at a slower pace for a short period and plans appear ready to expand once vaccine availability improves. Other points of light emanate from managing the pandemic -- the ability to gather again and freer travel. These will look different than what we did a year ago, but they will return. 

 While pondering today, the first line of a song came to me. In fact, I used it above when referring to the light in the tunnel. The title encapsulates the concept ruminating in my mind recently. So, that is the selection chosen to share today. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Better Days -- Ant Clemons ft. Justin Timberlake

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Day 8 - 20 -- Light in the Dark

I've been pondering the future and hope a lot recently. Some days these concepts seem elusive or fleeting, but they are both there -- often just out of reach, but there. All I need to do is keep looking through the fog and beyond the perceived darkness. Again, this means taking time to refocus on thoughts other than those filled with bleakness or embodying fatalism. We each need to find the method that works best for us. I love words and music -- the world or metaphor <smile>.  Interestingly as I was writing the early notes for this blog this afternoon, I was privileged to hear the recitation of "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman, the National Youth Poet Laureate in the US. She performed this wonderful piece of poetry  at the presidential inauguration today. If you haven't heard the full poem, you must give it a listen. 

So -- back to writing this little blog -- I heard several phrases that fit with what I was thinking today. One key section for me stated, 

    "There is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it.

      If only we're brave enough to be it."  (Gorman, 2021) 

Another that is taken out of the context of the whole poem, but fits so much of my recent ponderings, states,

    "That even as we grieved, we grew,

      That even as we hurt, we hoped,

      That even as we tired, we tried ..." (Gorman, 2021) 

Each of these stopped me in my tracks.What an amazing young woman. The concepts were so close to what I have struggled to articulate. Wow! 

So, there I was looking for the words to explain a feeling only to be handed the words from an unexpected place. That was kinda cool <grin>.  The title and chorus of this song may slightly exaggerate my experience, but the words just fit for me today. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Blinded by the Light -- Manfred Mann's Earth Band

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Day 8 - 19 -- Indigo, Cerulean, Cobalt

Today, I felt a bit blue and worried, though reasons seem difficult to discern.  I worked to focus on notes for a guest lecture tomorrow and then went for a walk into campus -- complete with the 100 stair climb from street level to campus and then to the top floor of the building (without any available elevator). The exercise felt good. Being in a virtually vacant building, though, felt odd. It isn't one with masses of people at the best of times, but now it is so very, very quiet. It just seems sad in many ways. I did smile as I walked down the hall to my office. I still haven't found a light switch for the lights at either end of the segment of hallway where my office sits. It was very dim and it looked like the perfect place to encounter the blue nun. My office is a former nun's cell as are the others in the hallway. These became student dorms and are now places where retired faculty doing research and writing reside. I do swear that I heard the ghostly presence last fall, when there were clear footsteps creaking on the wooden floor boards outside my door. I said 'hello' and looked out but saw no one or nothing. It was full dark outside and inside was the same. It felt odd, but not scary. I did take care while walking by alcoves and corners to ensure I wasn't about to encounter someone who shouldn't be there. 

Old buildings can have such personalities. The visit there, while a bit off putting today, did help me to begin to see things from a less anxious angle. A long shower when I got home and then a yummy comfort food dinner also helped to regain some of the calm. <smile>

An instrumental from the final album by Janis Joplin came to mind. The title indicates how the day began and the tempo shows where it settled into the early evening. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Buried Alive in the Blues -- Full Tilt Boogie Band 

Monday, 18 January 2021

Day 8 - 18 -- Quell the Noise

 Two health appointments today - one virtual and one in person. The latter was with the physio to deal with some weird pains that have popped up recently. I realized that this was just one further weirdness given the state of the world and the pandemic. Juggling the thought needed to work through such issues takes a lot of energy and can leave one very fatigued. Physical signs appear due to the emotional stresses that fly at us each day. Lately, I've found myself laughing at my distracted and absent-minded way of wandering through the day. What did I come over here to do? Didn't I just buy a bottle of mustard? Was that really 6 months ago? I recall hearing or saying something a while back, only to discover that was yesterday.  

I'll admit that at times I feel like I'm losing it. Working to focus on things for even brief periods can help quiet all the noise in one's mind. I found this with jigsaw puzzles over the past months and can find it by listening to music or walking. Meditating might help, too, but it has been a while since I've done that. I fear I might just fall asleep if I attempted this. It is worth a try, though. I'll let you know if it or anything else works to calm the mind and bring a flash of peacefulness. 

I will admit that the chorus of one song hit my consciousness today and made me giggle.The tempo is perfect of a brisk walk or to dance around the kitchen. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

You May Be Right -- Billy Joel

Day 8 - 17 -- Passing Time

Pondering time passing occupied my thoughts today. We become acutely aware of the passage of time as we age. It flies by more quickly, too. Given the time spent not doing what we had planned for the past many months makes me feel a bit cheated -- like the universe owes me time back when the world is ready for us to move about again. Such feeling seem to trigger a type of existential crisis. So, I try to focus on the things within my control even though these are much smaller items. Should I go for a walk earlier in the day, since my new usual time puts me outside after dark. The days are getting longer, but it will be another couple of months before daylight extends into early evening again. It is a small event in the big wild world, but I might get back to walking daily if I try this alteration in my daily schedule. 

One song came to mind today with lyrics that talk about passing of time. It seemed to fit the pandemic in terms of how the time has been spent. There -- that metaphor shows how we can think of time as a form of currency. Cool. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Time -- Pink Floyd

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Day 8 - 16 -- Pondering Saturday

Saturday again. Slept less as didn't get to sleep until much later than usual. Felt fatigued through the day, so didn't get as much done as hoped -- just moving too slowly <smile>. Started laundry and rested for most of afternoon. I got caught up on social media notifications and listened to some recorded TV programs. I thought I might need to drive out to the grocery store, but I managed to find the elusive ingredient needed in the pantry. I was pleased that I didn't need to head out as I wasn't feeling it today. Supper was fun. I made chicken etouffee with a mixture of white jasmine and red cargo rice and served it with a great green salad. That helped to perk me up a bit. Cooking can be therapeutic <smile>. 

Spending the day relaxing a bit more than planned was great. The furry fellow took his afternoon siesta leaning against my leg. That helps me relax and stay grounded. Saturday has been a day to wind down for as long as I can recall. When I did shift work, working Saturday disrupted life. Even a different day off during the week just didn't cut it. Social gatherings were often on Saturday for movie nights, dinners, and such, so working an early shift requiring me to be at work for 6 AM meant I was in bed very early. If on the late shift, I didn't get home until 9:30-10 PM, so missed some of the events. Timing was just off all around. If I had an option, though, I'd always choose the late shift. I am not a morning person in and way, shape or form <smile>. In fact, I was born at 12:36 AM -- just after midnight and on a Saturday. So, in my mind, I've always been more active late in the day <grin>. 

A song came to mind when pondering today. My first on-screen nick came from the song title. It seemed fitting. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Saturday's Child -- The Monkees

Friday, 15 January 2021

Day 8 - 15 -- Believe

Sunshine greeted me in the kitchen today. The furry fellow was enjoying sitting in the shine on the floor. Now, I did a couple of things and headed out for a walk only to have the sunshine disappear about 5 minutes into my walk. Fully overcast sky appeared. I enjoyed the walk despite the change in sky conditions. Later I dealt with yet another software issue on a government website. I had worked at it a few times previously and kept getting an error message noting the page was not available at this time. Now this didn't arrive until after the form was completed and submitted. I finally gave in and called the phone number for assistance, hoping against hope that it would be a live soul on the other end. After a 20 minute wait time, I was greeted by a woman who completed and submitted the form from their end. Lots of laughter ensued when chatting about software everywhere not working and that if a site functioned as promised we'd think we were in the Twilight Zone. <grin>

I listened to an online interview where the host and guest spoke of getting in touch with our humanity. The guest -- also an interviewer -- noted that COVID has often been his opening question -- "How are you doing?" The other conversant/interviewer noted that this has been the great leveler. Regardless of one's position is society, management of daily life during the pandemic has been a challenge. The struggles are much alike for everyone. Jobs, family contact, social times have been affected across the spectrum. The stresses of the many changes over the past months have affected everyone to varying degrees. We are social creatures, after all. For many people, the current way of life has emphasized the desire to spend time with friends, family and colleagues. Many newer habits and technologies may stay with us moving forward -- like out of a twilight zone. Perhaps this refocus on caring relationships will stay with us, too. 

A song recorded to help people through the fears and changes of the pandemic is shared here today. The message holds hope and promise. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

I Believe that We Will Win -- Pitbull

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Day 8 - 14 -- Lassitude

 It was a quiet day at home getting caught up on correspondence. There is still so much on the 'to do' list -- nothing huge, just several small things that take 30 minute max to do. I managed to make a more balanced supper than the past two nights after feeling invigorated by a chat with a good friend late in the afternoon. 

There is a need to work on productivity -- again, nothing huge, but things that should be completed. Feeling world weary and getting less sleep than usual likely affect the lack of impetus to get to waiting tasks. Over the past 10 months, I've often read that 'adulting' can be challenging. The urge to throw a tantrum and refuse to do my assigned chores lies just below the surface some days. If I sit with a book or a movie for the day, why should I feel badly that the floor wasn't swept. At times I feel so frustrated and in need of understanding -- a vaguely familiar feeling from the dim distant past -- I want to run away from home. No idea now where I'd go, but years back there was a person and place where I would have started -- my grandmother. At this point in life, it is clear that escape may not bring the answers or respite desired. Searching for the answer to the lassitude will take time, but I feel it will be found. 

The song that came to mind reminded me of home -- running to rather than from. Heading to a former home isn't part of the search plans, but the song made me smile today. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Runnin' Back to Saskatoon -- The Guess Who


Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Day 8 - 13 -- Positive Focus

Two times in one week!! The day was full blue sky and sunshine. Much of it was spent indoors phone and virtual meetings, but it was gorgeous outside and not too cold or windy to boot. <smile> 

Two conversations today got into the pandemic mindset. You know the one -- where everything is negative and expectations that everything will change to be all positive NOW, which has never been. Last year (2020) has been vilified for some very good reasons, but still there were some positive changes, too. Now 2021 has not lived up to the unrealistic expectations that only goodness would be present. Hope is still there, even more so than in 2020. Many positive changes are happening already along with the ongoing negative events. It might help to acknowledge both extremes and not mire oneself into seeing only bad things around us. Being positive doesn't need to mean that one is always happy and silly, but that we recognize and process the negative emotions while looking for the positives that occur throughout our days. Perhaps we should end each day with reflection and finding three good things from the day. We have much to be grateful for in the midst of the swirling changes.  

A song that speaks to hope for the future and brings the sunshine into the conversations was chosen to share with you today. The lyrics are positive while acknowledging all events -- that focus on the positive. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In -- The 5th Dimension

Day 8 - 12 -- Sleep and Dreams


-- cloudy with some snow/rain mix in afternoon while I was out doing errands at drugstore -- wet with puddles, so there will be some freezing overnight and icy patches on sidewalks and porches

-- phone meeting and another chat with a friend -- short chat in person with another friend -- helped with keeping mood focused on the positives

I felt fatigued today. Sleep has been disrupted lately. Anxiety dreams predominate for the nights that I can recall anythings. Common thought is that dreams are the brains way of working through issues while we sleep. Dreams rarely follow a solid plot line <smile> but may leave us with impressions of situations and feelings. Anxiety dreams often follow common themes for individuals. Math has been something with which I feel less comfortable, so dreams often took me to final exams in math -- usually for a class I hadn't attended. When I moved into a university faculty position this dream changed. I would be in my office with a student at the door asking if I was planning to attend the final exam for the math class that I had taught, when in fact, I hadn't been to that class all term. So, anxiety theme changed as my career position changed. Aren't brains intriguing? <smile> 

Many songs talk about dreams and have lyrics that speak to their mysteries. Upon thinking through several, I kept coming back to one song. These lyrics are outstanding and fit deeper thoughts of dreams and how they help us work through daily events. I have used this before in the blog;  in fact, it was the song for the first blog post 8 years ago. today I share the original studio recording version, just to be a bit different. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

River of Dreams -- Billy Joel


Monday, 11 January 2021

Day 8 - 11 -- Sunshine!

 Sunshine greeted me when I woke today! It has been so very long. More blue sky was present by afternoon. It was glorious to be outside. I did grocery shopping and picked up a few other items that needed replacing. Walking between stores felt invigorating. Smiling came easily -- So did a relaxed feeling. No new snow had appeared overnight -- a welcome sight, too. 

The song that ran through my head from when I awoke is shared today. The lyrics state much of how the day felt to me. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Good Day Sunshine -- The Beatles

Day 8 - 10 -- Commonplace or not?

 The day was grey -- again. It has been a while since the sky was anything except this colour. More snow came overnight, but just 1 inch/2cm to move. It was wet with some slush due to the above freezing temps. The light wind made it feel much cooler while outside, though. The rest of the day included usual weekend household chores. 

The day was rather mundane overall. Being semi-isolated brings such days where nothing outstanding seems to arrive. Granted, today there was a small bit of snow to move off the walkway. Several times recently, I have said that moving 2-4 cm of snow daily would be manageable. It is far easier than a foot or two for sure. Chats with two friends gave me some connections outside of the house as well as a chance to just talk about ordinary things. So, perhaps prosaic days can hold flashes of the poetic. Upon reflection they need not feel so boring. 

Lyrics of the song shared today describe the ordinary in our days, but also note things can be outstanding, since even in the midst of the commonplace, interest can be found. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Montreal -- Marillion

Day 8 - 9 -- Glimpses of Normalcy

 The outing and exercise today involved moving 2 inches/5 cm of snow that fell overnight. There were a few sunny breaks through the major cloud and no noticeable breeze. It was a pleasant day to be outside. While shoveling, I chatted with two passers-by out for a walk. They were from BC and had been here for 6 weeks and heading home in another week. I so enjoyed talking with them. Our wee town has many visitors during the summer months, but for obvious reasons very few this year. Great conversations start over sorting out currency, choosing a restaurant or providing directions. Today the conversations brought back a few moments of normalcy. For that I am grateful. 

Talking to strangers today left me with a positive feeling -- something akin to hope. This made me feel a few moments of peace. Some of the lyrics of a song ran through my mind when thinking of these moments. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Peaceful Easy Feeling -- The Eagles

Friday, 8 January 2021

Day 8 - 8 -- Impermanence

How often have we heard that change is the constant in life? Today marked the final taped episode of Jeopardy with host Alex Trebek. Next week an interim or trial (I've heard both words used by the network) host -- one of the past winners that I'm not sure I will be able to watch. I will try to give him a chance, but I'm not sure the personality will work for me. I'll try it with a somewhat open mind. 

This change to a program I've watched for decades reminded me of the many changes and periods of adaptation that have occurred in the past -- including the countless changes of the past year. In the past, other TV hosts have been replaced, such as several hosts of late night talk shows. Some of these own their time slots, but none have led me to watch with the same frequency as the previous hosts. I may not be the target audience for some programs now. The world moves around us and acceptance is necessary. In the past year, I've not been able to travel to visit loved ones. We adapted with more frequent online or telephone chats. It is far from the same, but it helps to see and hear them regularly. This also works for local friends. Wearing masks and distancing (no hugs <sigh>) have become the norm. I wasn't certain this would become second nature, but I rarely think about it -- well, until someone enters my now larger personal space <smile> or I come upon someone I haven't seen for a few months. Twice recently, I have walked into a store and then realized that I hadn't put a mask on -- I was mortified! I've also worn one as I went between stores on Main Street and then ended up at home still wearing it. I hadn't realized it was still there. Ordering online is still challenging. I am a more sensory shopper; I want to see and feel things -- or try them on before purchase. I'm still working on this one. <smile> 

Overall, we have made many adaptations to the rhythms of daily life. The lyrics of a song also note the impermanence of life routines and self. We adapt and change to survive. It isn't always easy, but it is necessary. Take care. Enjoy! 

Changes -- David Bowie

Day 8 - 7 -- Surrounded by Greyness

Drizzle and cloud dominated today with snow expected overnight. During an outing to two pharmacies (and two other shops while waiting for prescriptions to be filled), the walk was refreshing. The air felt clear and fresh with a slight northerly breeze that made me glad I had a hood to pull up. The ear band alone would not have been enough for the lengthier walk I did while waiting for meds. At home today, I spoke with three friends in separate phone and online chats. These regular meetings help so much to decompress a bit and have interactions with other humans -- particularly on days when I haven't gone out to pharmacy or grocery stores.  

The forecast for the coming week suggests colder temperatures will arrive. This brings a definite winter feel with high and low temperatures being below freezing. January is upon us, though the oft wished for 'January thaw' may not be part of this year, since winter began a bit later -- my favourite kind of winter <smile>. 

While the day could have felt very gloomy with the heavier cloud cover, I chose to hold onto hope to bring a positive feel to the day. This reminded me of song lyrics that speak to both greyness of the weather and the need for hope. I've shared a cover of the song by a female band. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

A Hazy Shade of Winter -- The Bangles

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Day 8 - 6 -- Epiphany?

 It's been a day. One that has left me with few words to process images seen on the television.  

Today is also the end of Yuletide or the 12 days of Christmas. It is Christmas for those who celebrate on the Julian calendar. It is also Epiphany for those celebrating on the Gregorian Calendar. The latter of these is one I pondered a bit today. In current usage, epiphany means the change or discovery of intuition, realization, or perception, which leads us to understand something in a very different way. Perhaps that is what happened or may occur with many people today as they ponder the events of the day. 

When thinking of a song, I was reminded of Gerry Marsden, who passed away last weekend. The song shared is one of my favourites written and performed by him, though there are many others that I enjoy. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Ferry Cross the Mersey --  Gerry and the Pacemakers

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Day 8 - 5 -- Spin Doctors

This afternoon, some sunshine broke through clouds. I moved the last of snow off the roof of car and went for groceries. This was a top up trip for things used regularly that have been depleted. Wow! One cleaning product seemed more costly than expected. On the up side, I also found Lysol wipes for the first time in 9.5 months! How cool is that? I usually get a large container and these were smaller, so I got two. They were even the lemon scent that is the only one I can tolerate. Later in the day, I got a message with some good news. A worry that has been top of mind for several weeks has been resolved. Happy tears came with that one. <smile> 

When chatting with a friend today, I noted that I am doing my best to keep positive. If it means avoiding news programming that dissects a comment or situation with pundits that at best surmise without all the facts or expertise -- so be it. Limiting media and social media exposure can work well, particularly on days when we may not be strong enough to ignore them. It takes a heavy dose of fortitude to set a timer to remind us to move on to another task and leave the devices alone. Get up and move around. Move on to things on the list for the day and refuse to be hyped up by anxiety laden 'what if' messaging. 

Studying the way the mass media affect beliefs, values and attitudes has given me a different way to look at the industry. I still get caught up in it some days, but I have to remind myself of the evidence surrounding media consumption. It helps some days. <smile>  The song shared today deals with the anger felt by many when news media goes beyond facts and heads into supposition. After all, there are 24 hours of time to fill on the many stations devoted to just 'news'. Think critically. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Selling the News -- Switchfoot

Monday, 4 January 2021

Day 8 - 4 -- Working Pain

Well, snow removal is almost completed. I'll do the last of it tomorrow. This morning the plow guy moved the big bank of snow at the end of the driveway. I headed out to move the stuff left immediately behind the car and from the sidewalk. Frustratingly, the sidewalk plow drove by just minutes after my guy moved the snow. That town plow passing left stuff at the end of the drive on both sides of the sidewalk <sigh>.  I used my new snow removal apparatus on the car. It has a silicone 'brush' head that can be locked into various positions to push or pull snow from main areas or smaller areas like edge of windshield. It is extendable from 44" to 64". This made me shake my head as I'm not even 64 inches tall <grin>. I moved the 10 or so inches of snow off everywhere except the roof. That will wait until tomorrow as by then I was quite tired. Moving the bits left by my plow guy is minor, but doing the circumference around the car was a challenge. The lower 2 inches or so seemed glued to the ground. Also, snow today weighed more than yesterday being more moisture laden. Trees dropped snow and ice from the upper branches as I worked. Luckily, none hit me on the head as in the past -- just carpeted the area around me. 

Soreness from overuse of muscles is never great. Nothing was pulled or torn while working, just a lot of lifting over two days. I work carefully to use legs to lift and spare the lower back. I breathe through pushes and lifts to help blood pressure while working. I pause a lot, stretching and gazing at the skies. I often take music with me, but didn't today -- just didn't think I'd be out that long. I should know better <grin>.  Gentle stretches and a warm soak in the tub can help minimize the pain that could appear.. After all, there will be more to move off the car and then shovel off the driveway tomorrow. 

Looking at the weather forecast, we have 5 days over the next week with zero hours of sun and the other two have three to four hours. This indicates there will be much cloud cover and days will feel like twilight. This is the type of weather that can lead to  Seasonal Affective Disorder in susceptible individuals. It seems humans were made to see the sun regularly. So physical work pain and the psychological pain of not seeing the sun often enough cluster at this time of year.

Shoveling lighter or lesser amounts of snow can be relaxing due to the rhythmic nature of the work. That was not the case over the past two days (and tomorrow). However, a song with a strong repetitive rhythm came to mind more for its theme than the beat. I share a cover of the original by a group different from other covers. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Chain Gang -- The Supremes 

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Day 8 - 3 -- Giant Task

The major activity of the day involved moving heavy, wet snow. A path 2/3 of the way to the front sidewalk was the first foray into shoveling. Clearing the front porch late last night helped me get past the halfway point to the street. In the second trip out in late afternoon, I got the path finished to the town sidewalk and a second path around the side of the house to the back porch where I cleared both back doors. I called my plow person and had a good chat. He will come out tomorrow to clear the huge piles left by the sidewalk and street plows. These are hip deep so I chose not to even think of tackling that snow and ice. <smile> While inside between shoveling events, I made a large pot of stew with dumplings for supper -- and several other meals. Yum. I use my dad's recipe so it is truly a snowy day comfort meal. 

While doing household chores, the three Night at the Museum movies played in the background. Several lines made me laugh. These kept the mood positive rather than letting it drop into my toes because of the snow. One of the songs from the credits of the first movie felt upbeat and got me moving around a bit. And it was evening by the time I finished moving snow. <smile>  Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Tonight -- Keke Palmer ft. Cham

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Day 8 - 2 -- Absence of Colour

As I worked indoors doing laundry and such, the first big storm of the winter season and the first of the year began outside. Light snow began about noon and became heavier into the early afternoon, continuing into the evening. Forecasts note that snow fall amounts will lessen through the evening stop into the overnight hours. At present we have 6-8 inches on the porch rails. The wind has increased so some blowing and drifting may occur, leaving challenging areas to clear through tomorrow. 

While winter here is about three months long with the worst being January and February, it is still too long for my tastes. On the prairies where I grew up, winter was longer -- five or more months. In the maritime climate I live in now, snow comes in larger amounts than I grew up knowing. Never until moving here, did I have to hire a back hoe or a truck with a plow blade to clear the driveway -- though I could have used that once in Swift Current many years ago. <smile>  Snow here is often wetter, so becomes challenging to shovel -- especially when it falls a foot or more at a time. With northeasterly winds snow drifts into huge piles. Then there are the plows -- a sidewalk plow that clears the town walk on my street and the street plows that throw snow into driveways in piles waist deep or so -- all heavy wet stuff to move. Hence, I hire larger equipment to move it. Now just because I want to see winter over does not mean I want to wish my life away. I'd be OK with a rainy winter (living on the wrong coast for that it appears) or one with less precipitation or colder air that makes snow lighter, easier to move and leaves lesser of it. I'd settle for a lengthier spring-like season, I guess. 

While watching the accumulation outside the windows today, the colour of the whole world seemed to have changed. A song that dealt with the shades of that colour seemed fitting for today. Stay safe. Enjoy!

A Whiter Shade of Pale -- Procol Harum

Friday, 1 January 2021

Day 8 - 1 -- Restart

When I opened a new calendar today, I found a quotation from Frank Lloyd Wright, a fave architect. He wrote, 

    "The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope." 

So very cool. This first day of a new year (or decade for the purists <grin>) carries a healthy dose of hope, particularly this year when the world is moving towards diminishing the impact of "the" virus.  The past year helped us to see what is most important to us -- being with those we care about. Yes, we have missed amenities we've gotten used to over the years -- the trappings of privilege. Yet, many people are letting their natural hair colour shine through and going for more walks and hikes. We support local businesses with take out and delivery of meals from places where we often went to dine. We used outdoor pickup for grocery stores, farmers markets and other stores. As businesses become more open, it is likely that we may continue to do curbside pickup for convenience. The world will look different than it did a year ago, but we have already adapted and changed so much in the past year. 

The one aspect of life that has been a major challenge involves the need to social distance and to contract our social circles for in person visits. It seems this is where much of our hope is focused today -- that we will be able to visit those outside our current social bubbles and especially those across domestic and international borders. Countries have begun vaccinating medical personnel and high risk individuals which brings hope. On this arbitrary restart date, we've placed much importance. The future is always an unknown, so trepidation is part of looking forward. This can feel like excitement, anticipation or outright fear. This is where hope comes in handy. Hang onto the hope. We will get through this together. 

While pondering these thoughts of a new year, the chorus of a song came to mind. While the past year brought such overwhelming emotion, I believe this year will hold more uplifting thoughts and feelings. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

This will be Our Year -- The Zombies