Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Day 8 - 13 -- Positive Focus

Two times in one week!! The day was full blue sky and sunshine. Much of it was spent indoors phone and virtual meetings, but it was gorgeous outside and not too cold or windy to boot. <smile> 

Two conversations today got into the pandemic mindset. You know the one -- where everything is negative and expectations that everything will change to be all positive NOW, which has never been. Last year (2020) has been vilified for some very good reasons, but still there were some positive changes, too. Now 2021 has not lived up to the unrealistic expectations that only goodness would be present. Hope is still there, even more so than in 2020. Many positive changes are happening already along with the ongoing negative events. It might help to acknowledge both extremes and not mire oneself into seeing only bad things around us. Being positive doesn't need to mean that one is always happy and silly, but that we recognize and process the negative emotions while looking for the positives that occur throughout our days. Perhaps we should end each day with reflection and finding three good things from the day. We have much to be grateful for in the midst of the swirling changes.  

A song that speaks to hope for the future and brings the sunshine into the conversations was chosen to share with you today. The lyrics are positive while acknowledging all events -- that focus on the positive. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In -- The 5th Dimension

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