No meetings or appointments were scheduled today. I worked on some items on the infamous 'to do' list for some time. I began with a short walk out to mail a letter and buy a loaf of bread. Temperatures stayed around freezing. Icy bits covered the porch and steps with other smaller patches on the town sidewalks. The walk felt colder than usual due to higher humidity and a light wind out of the north. We expect a small bit of snow each of the coming several days with the potential for something larger mid-week. For now, though, nothing to shovel today. <smile> However, the ice meant needing to watch where feet were going rather than looking at the surroundings -- a different form of isolation.
During the afternoon, I decided to bake muffins. I made two batches. One is a recipe from childhood that was shared by a woman in mom's church group. It was a favourite of mom's that I've made many times. Today, though, the 20 minute cook time was closer to 30. The things just didn't want to set inside the browned tops. I'm not sure if they will be rubbery but will find this out at bedtime snack. The second batch was one I was given by a heart health workshop client during my public health nutrition days. It is an oat bran muffin with a lot of the oat fibre in each muffin -- something that can reduce cholesterol levels for some people. These turned out wonderfully.
Baking and walking felt therapeutic and got my thoughts in a better place. Even with the hiccup along the way, everything turned out well. It made me feel like dancing. <grin> This song felt as good a any to start the process. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Let's Dance On -- The Monkees
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