Pondering time passing occupied my thoughts today. We become acutely aware of the passage of time as we age. It flies by more quickly, too. Given the time spent not doing what we had planned for the past many months makes me feel a bit cheated -- like the universe owes me time back when the world is ready for us to move about again. Such feeling seem to trigger a type of existential crisis. So, I try to focus on the things within my control even though these are much smaller items. Should I go for a walk earlier in the day, since my new usual time puts me outside after dark. The days are getting longer, but it will be another couple of months before daylight extends into early evening again. It is a small event in the big wild world, but I might get back to walking daily if I try this alteration in my daily schedule.
One song came to mind today with lyrics that talk about passing of time. It seemed to fit the pandemic in terms of how the time has been spent. There -- that metaphor shows how we can think of time as a form of currency. Cool. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Time -- Pink Floyd
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