The highlight today involved a small gathering for a friend's birthday -- 4 people from 3 households. Dinner was fantastic and I arrived home feeling rather stuffed <smile>. Time together involved a lot of laughter and helped me to feel more relaxed for a bit. I miss doing this as regularly as we did less than a year ago. Spontaneity seems lost. I am someone who plans days at home, work or travel. I carry that 'to do' list into everything. Sometimes this involves a list of places to see that I put into bundles generally based on location. When in a large city, it makes more sense to head in one direction and visit places of interest in that locale -- efficiency at play here. Things aren't planned down to the minute, so watching the clock isn't generally necessary. I do my day plans similarly. Chunking things together can help with focus -- household chores, meeting with colleagues or friends, heading out for a walk with or without errands, making supper, and relaxing in the evening. Given this propensity to organize things does not mean that I don't take advantage of something new that may present itself, such as tea with a friend, in person or virtually. Being flexible shows that a small degree of normalcy can fit into the current lifestyle. Remaining open to changing plans can bring a sense of calm some days, too.
The next time something new enters your surround, take time to assess it and choose to alter your plan for the day or not to make changes. This demonstrates that we do have control of some things in our lives -- something important to recognize in this time of major uncertainty.
All this thinking brought a song to mind. The artist is a favourite of mine. The lyrics speak about traveling through life -- a bit philosophical in tone <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Any Road -- George Harrison
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