Friday, 1 January 2021

Day 8 - 1 -- Restart

When I opened a new calendar today, I found a quotation from Frank Lloyd Wright, a fave architect. He wrote, 

    "The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope." 

So very cool. This first day of a new year (or decade for the purists <grin>) carries a healthy dose of hope, particularly this year when the world is moving towards diminishing the impact of "the" virus.  The past year helped us to see what is most important to us -- being with those we care about. Yes, we have missed amenities we've gotten used to over the years -- the trappings of privilege. Yet, many people are letting their natural hair colour shine through and going for more walks and hikes. We support local businesses with take out and delivery of meals from places where we often went to dine. We used outdoor pickup for grocery stores, farmers markets and other stores. As businesses become more open, it is likely that we may continue to do curbside pickup for convenience. The world will look different than it did a year ago, but we have already adapted and changed so much in the past year. 

The one aspect of life that has been a major challenge involves the need to social distance and to contract our social circles for in person visits. It seems this is where much of our hope is focused today -- that we will be able to visit those outside our current social bubbles and especially those across domestic and international borders. Countries have begun vaccinating medical personnel and high risk individuals which brings hope. On this arbitrary restart date, we've placed much importance. The future is always an unknown, so trepidation is part of looking forward. This can feel like excitement, anticipation or outright fear. This is where hope comes in handy. Hang onto the hope. We will get through this together. 

While pondering these thoughts of a new year, the chorus of a song came to mind. While the past year brought such overwhelming emotion, I believe this year will hold more uplifting thoughts and feelings. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

This will be Our Year -- The Zombies

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