Saturday, 4 June 2022

9-154 (3/6/22) -- Block the Sun

My strength came back partially today so I did a short walk to get bread and eggs. After a rest at home, I drove to campus to update the laptop. We are required to login on campus not by wifi but by hard-wiring into the system to update the laptop and the Windows license. Otherwise, I get locked out and the laptop becomes a rather heavy paperweight. So, I made that trip before it all quit over the weekend or sometime when IT is not around to rescue the machine from going dark. I often wonder how my colleagues who have been working from home or are out of the country on sabbatical manage with this every 6-month dance with the system. I must have a chat with several of them to see what work around they have used.  

It was sunny today, so I wore sunglasses and a ball cap pulled down to shade the eyes well -- still some residual photophobia today along with bits of fatigue and pain. this migraine will last a few more days and I've likely had the fatigue aspect since earlier in the week. These things generally last about 7 days. I believe I am on the down side now. 

A song came to mind that made me giggle -- much needed today. <smile> One line (also the title) explained my experience going outside today. Stay safe.  Enjoy! 

Blinded by the Light -- Manfred Mann

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