The sun shone today and it got quite warm. The strong breeze helped the air feel drier and cooler. I ran an errand and then went for a short walk -- my first in a week. I'll admit that I got fatigued just halfway through. I rested for a while when I got home. The main activity today was to repack, tape and label the boxes for charity pickup tomorrow. I carried them up the stairs and then placed them all on the front porch -- 9 mainly smaller boxes and two bags this time. More is ready to be packed for the July pickup date.
Today, I managed a lot more activity than I've done in over a week. I needed to rest between tasks, but I made it through. While making tea for breaks throughout the day, I watched the work in the graveyard behind the house. It is an historical cemetery with the most recent stone noting a death about 1875. The stones had been moved around many years back, but the cemetery committee is putting the stones back up. There are about 42 stones lying on the grass. there were more stones, but many had been broken and were no longer complete. The ones out there now were intact. In the centre of the area, a marked square had a frame built around it today.They may be planning to pour cement for a centre stone -- we'll see. The work is slow, but interesting to watch things progress.
The walk through the neighbourhood and watching the work on the other side of the back fence made me smile today. I do like this area. People working in their yards, sitting on their porches or out for a walk all nod or say 'hello'. It is cool. A song lyric fit the feeling well. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Peace in the Neighborhood -- Paul McCartney
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