Thursday, 16 June 2022

9-167 (16/6/22) -- Feeling Free

It was another sunny day today, but felt much hotter than yesterday. I was out for short walks to pick up staples and a couple of other needed items. Based on the service failures at two places, I spent part of the afternoon completing  \two 'tell us how we did' surveys for those stores where I encountered difficulties with checkout staff, shelf pricing of items and spills that were not being cleaned up <yuck>. I hope things reach the right people and staff could be reminded how to greet and speak to customers. If I were in a larger centre, I'd likely go to a different location or a totally different store after the two experiences from yesterday and today. Here there are other stores that could be used, but some of the store brand items I like aren't carried anywhere else. <sigh> 

Sometimes I feel petulant about living in a small town, but over the past many years, I've come to cherish the benefits such places can bring. Today while driving home from the grocery store I noticed a bald eagle riding the thermals above me. Being on a back road rather than the old highway allowed me to gaze upwards a bit and just enjoy the freedom embodied by the bird. There is a degree of freedom experienced being in a smaller settlement in the middle of forest and hills. 

The song shared today dealt with the calming experience of watching the eagle rather than the frustrations of customer service difficulties <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Fly Like an Eagle -- Steve Miller Band 

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