Tuesday, 7 June 2022

9-158 (7/6/22) -- Inertia Prevails

The day was sunny and warmer than we've had for a few days. Last night there was a frost warning for parts of the area even though it was much warmer during the day yesterday. It is the last hurrah of the transition phase of spring, I guess. I'll admit that I did very little today, with the continued fatigue barring major activity. It is all diminishing, but comes in waves at times. I chatted with a friend for our weekly check-in and labeled the multiple jars of jam. There were a few cleaning chores tackled, so it wasn't a total loss of a day, just not very productive. 

Inertia is the word of the day or week. For the most part, I've remained at rest due to the force of a headache. Once the symptoms disappear, that force should act upon the inactivity and get me moving again. That is my bastardization of  Newton's First Law of Motion <smile>. Hey, I had to take physics for my undergraduate degree and I try to use it whenever I can -- makes use of the time spent in a 6-credit class plus lab. <grin> The song shared today is a parody of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. The parody lyrics fit much of what I've felt over the past several days. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Inactive -- Weird Al Yancovic


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