Thursday, 23 June 2022

9-174 (23/6/22) -- Looking Around

Today was sunny and warm. I took advantage of the nice day and walked out to get bread and a couple other items. While the weather was great, walking wasn't. By more than two blocks away, pain in my right knee and ankle caused me to limp a bit for the rest of the journey. That is from the fall injury at the grocery store yesterday. I had been told there would be a call to check in within 24 hours. Guess what? They called while I was out doing the errands. <sigh> The message said they would call back another time. Nothing came in during the rest of the day. How serious are they at checking in if they don't leave a phone number for a call back or let me know if they would try again today or tomorrow or next month? Guess I'm feeling a bit grumpy today, too. <smile> 

On the up side -- The iris in the front yard has a second bloom open today and two more buds! Only two others were visible last week, but another one was hiding under the petals of the first bloom. Wonderful! That makes four total blooms -- more than the three that bloomed last year. They are so pretty. I wish the flowers lasted longer, but I take time to enjoy the plant each day. The day lily in the back yard has about 30 blossoms on it today! It hasn't had than many at once before. Another plant with a stellar year. <smile> I also had a great online chat with a friend. These weekly visits perk up the days. 

A few lines about looking up and forward came to mind today. It is a song from a one-man musical play -- an autobiographical telling of the singer's earlier career.Interestingly, he was from Halifax, Nova Scotia. <smile> The live capture video is poor quality and the audio is passable but not great.The lyrics are reasonably clear, though. Keep safe. Enjoy!

It Can Only Happen in America -- Denny Doherty


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