Monday, 27 June 2022

9-178 (27/6/22) -- Blue Monday

Another windy day with heat and a touch of humidity. The forecast calls for rain overnight and tomorrow. Warmer warmer temperatures and humidity will stay into the weekend, -- at least -- making some days uncomfortably warm and humid. 

For some reason -- or perhaps many reasons -- I felt rather down today. I vacillated between wanting to hid in my house to wanting to run away somewhere. Neither of these will remove the sources of stress. Perhaps this is another manifestation of a form of avoidance behaviour. I could teach a master class on that, I'm sure <smile>.   So, I tried to do some things to help with the mood. I went for a short walk out to pick up some take out for supper -- a calzone with Greek salad. that helped quite a bit. I swept the porches and walkways again. The shoulder, elbow and wrist felt much better today when doing this activity, which helped me feel less cranky. Getting up and moving does help elevate emotions. I have to remember that <smile>. 

Music can play a a role in feeling better even if only by realizing that others have felt similarly to you and taken the time and effort to pour it all into a song to share with the world. The lyrics of a song that says this much more eloquently than I have is shared with you all here. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Sad Songs (Say So Much) -- Elton John 

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