Sunday, 26 June 2022

9-177 (26/6/22) -- Disappearing Time

Today involved a number of different types of activity. I folded laundry and brought out summer clothes and put away winter clothes. These tasks meant trips to the basement which is decidedly cooler than upstairs today. Temperatures border on hot while the humid air mass remains firmly ensconced outside --  both of which tend to creep inside <sigh> I also spent time with two peer reviews for professional journals -- interesting topics with some suggestions for strengthening the manuscript -- a form of professional mentoring. Just before sunset I went for a walk. The breeze made it feel pleasantly cool. On the way back up the street to the house, I noticed the dog and one of the cats from a couple doors down. They were both standing by the sidewalk intently watching me walk up the hill. I loved that. <smile> I hadn't seen either of them for a while, so it was nice that they waited for me to come up and greet them both. They are opposites in size for sure -- the cat is about 5 pounds and the dog is over 120 pounds and will likely top out closer to 150 when he finishes growing in the coming months. They are fun and help boost my spirits some days. 

Why do things always take longer than one expects?  Doing similar tasks for years seems not to affect expectations for scheduling one's day. Is it that we expect simpler tasks to be quick due to their lack of complexity and sequencing of steps? One would hope that over time, this fallacy would be recognized. So, it took two hours to unpack the summer things and then repack the winter stuff. Sorting, folding, and putting on shelves, drawers or zippered bags isn't difficult but it does take time. <smile> Reading the new manuscript and re-reading the second manuscript takes time if I am reading critically -- noting, grammar, style, formatting on top of the clarity, flow and completeness of content. Even the walk took a bit longer than I thought it might. That tells me I'm walking slower than usual so the knee and ankle still create some difficulty there. Some of the pain has reduced, just not as quickly as I'd like it to improve <smile>. 

A song that came to mind today notes that time slips away. I felt this working away today when I'd look at the clock after finishing something and discovered it was later than I thought it would be. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Time Warp -- The Rocky Horror Picture Show

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