Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Day 2 - 244 -- Getting away from it all

We travelled to the big city today for my annual meeting with a specialist. Things are looking good from his standpoint, so I don't need to return for two years, unless something changes drastically at my end. So -- good news on that front <smile>. While in the city we took advantage of much that it has to offer -- walked the gardens and did some shopping on the way back home. I managed to find a few small items that were needed and came close with a new rain coat for the oncoming fall weather. The sizes, colours and styles are clearer having tried things on rather than just looking at the thumbprints on the online site.  I can order online with less trepidation now. <smile>

It is fun to get out of town occasionally -- just leave it all behind. It is like running away -- or pseudo running away. It lasts for a short time, but the relief is just as palpable as a longer trip. It was enjoyable eating away from home and seeing different scenes for the day. I'd like to do this more often, but it takes a full 12 hours to do it without rushing -- 5 hours driving and the rest for travel around the city and visits to various venues.

The song today has a few lines that reminded me of being away and I love the keyboards on this one. Enjoy!

Runaway -- Del Shannon

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