Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Day 2 - 251 -- A Small Triumph

Today was the first real lecture for a new course -- well, new to me as the instructor. I have much concern about 'getting it right' for this course this year. Today went well -- so one small success in what (hopefully) will be a string of good interactive lectures. Some interesting (from my standpoint <smile>) activities and discussions are planned for the course -- again, further successes are dependent on the day and the alignment of the stars. <smile>

Some topics are exciting to an instructor but may not be top concepts for all students. It has been my hope that some of my passion and excitement for a topic can be semi-infectious and help others to see where the topic might be meaningful in their lives. Standing at the front of a class to lecture and facilitate discussions takes a lot of energy -- physical and emotional. I've often thought that it might be like a performance -- trying to keep the attention of people who have grown up in an electronic age where attention span is short. I've seen the eyes glaze over and people tune out if there isn't something constantly stimulating or 'entertaining' them. Storytelling has been a key to a type of edutainment. Challenging participants to engage, share, question and reason their way to a solution to a 'problem' takes a lot out of a facilitator, but when the process works -- generally only for some people -- the rewards are incredible. To see the joy on someone's face when they finally 'get it' is a true gift.

The song today celebrates the past, current and future achievements for all students everywhere -- and I do believe that learners encompasses all people everywhere. The band singing is a favourite of many from the 80s. Enjoy!

Success -- Duran Duran

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