I sometimes feel so sad that inebriation seems like the best way to celebrate or deal with stress. I'm not saying that I've never been in that state, but that is seems so regular with younger adults. It isn't just our school that deals with this behaviour, nor is it just seen with younger adults. Disturbing entire neighbourhoods on a regular basis though, seems to show no regard for others as well as a large sense of entitlement. It may also show that hearing loss has already begun given the need to play music at increased decibel levels only. Much of this thought makes me feel like a crotchety old person, when I've felt this way since being an undergraduate living in residence. <smile> And I know full well that not all students are involved in this behaviour, but those that do give the group a bad reputation.
Last night brought to mind a song from a movie released in the 70s. The attitude present in the crowd and the band seemed similar to those on the block yesterday. It is a different style than generally heard from this singer. Enjoy!
Hellacious Acres -- Kris Kristofferson
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