Monday, 14 September 2015

Day 2 - 256 -- Keeping on Time

Well -- today was the first day of week 2 and somehow I feel 3 weeks behind <smile>.  Things begin piling up quickly yet it always seems to surprise me. Much of today was spent trying to organize the week's schedule for meetings with students. Someone noted in passing that they did this through the online course management system. I will need to track that person down again and ask for details -- it sounds much more humane for all concerned.

I fully expect that the anxiety dreams will arrive soon -- in one of their many disguises. Some recent dreams have held a hint of stress. Dream content seems to become more involved with being chased, hiding from something, missing flights, or being late for work -- class in particular. The brain may help us resolve some of the stresses of the day through dreams, though sometimes the dreams themselves can become the stresses, those nasty bete noires that can keep us awake fighting to stay conscious rather than descend into the frights that seem ready to pounce on us at our most vulnerable. I recall a favourite episode of the MASH series, where each of the main characters had vivid nightmares of helplessness. In the final scene they are all seated in the mess tent drinking coffee well into the night -- all clearly very tired after a long series of OR work over days. Charles quotes Shakespeare -- To sleep, perchance to dream -- and all clearly choose more coffee over more terrors. These occur with much less frequency for me than the 'gee -- you're late' or 'sorry, that event is over' type of anxiety dream. The content must have something to do with the pace of life during academic terms <smile>.

The main cause of my stress, in dreams and when awake, is covered with humour in the selection for today. The singer/musician/song-writer is a classic comic. The video isn't professional quality, but it works reasonably well. Lyrics can be found on if you miss something and a better quality is likely available on SNL site for those in the US. Enjoy!

Late for School -- Steve Martin

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