In the afternoon, I visited my physio. The ongoing SI joint issue has been making itself known again. So, I decided to have it tended to before it gets worse. It seems this time the sacrum was slightly out of centre, when it is usually the illium that has a wonky torsion. This is the result of a high school gymnastics injury. We have learned how to deal with it over the past few years. Today we did a new adjustment maneuver that seemed a bit more gentle than trying to move the illium around. I'm not kidding myself, though, there will be some pain tomorrow. I came home almost directly after the appointment to do some work from home where my heating pad resides <smile>. I did a bit and then had a short nap around supper. This was during a thunderstorm so I'd unplugged the electronics at that time.
Thinking through the theme of adjustment brought to mind several songs. The one I chose to share includes lyrics that stress the need to keep self intact during change. The integrity of the curriculum and my skeletal structure were central to the changes discussed today. This song is by a band from Saskatoon -- my old stomping grounds. Enjoy!
Change -- Wide Mouth Mason
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