Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Day 3 - 159 -- Back in Control

In follow up to yesterday's blog, the saga continued until supper time after which a final plan was made and accepted. It means some parts will not be as planned together with travel companions, but the main parts are in place and we are working on accepting the less than perfect alternate offers -- which were different offers for the two groups. Go figure. It reminded me of Sleepless in Seattle that noted the vagaries of the travel industry. When the two kids book the flight to NYC through the girl's mothers business, she stated that no one actually knows how much a ticket costs. I would add a corollary to that law that no one actually knows the routing of travel plans, either.

I began to think as it became clear that different stories were proposed by different assistants. Life is about the journey not the destination. Acceptance of the bumps along the way can make our journeys more enjoyable, allowing us to live in the moment and find the joys in the small things as we find a way around, over or through that bump in the road. Things have worked out for us today, but not in the exact way we'd hoped. The end result will be the same, we'll just take different paths around this bump to get to the next destination <smile>.

The song that fit today's struggles with finding a plan that worked, notes that we can set our minds to accept all parts of the journey. It firmly places the power back with the traveler not the maker of bumps <smile>. Enjoy!

Grammar note for any of you whose ears bleed when major grammar mistakes are made <grin> The first version chosen has a major grammar error propagated throughout. Another cover from back in the day, clearly fixed this to the objective form 'whomever' -- I've added that version below this one.

Go Where you Wanna Go -- The Mamas and the Papas

Go Where you Wanna Go -- The Fifth Dimension

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