Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Day 3 - 160 -- Finding the Positives

While the saga of travel planning continued into this afternoon. Travel companions ran into further difficulties yesterday -- but it seems things are settled for now.  It took me a bit of time, but I'm almost at a more positive way to seeing this -- the absurdity does make one laugh, though it takes a bit of distance to be able to tell the story with a smile and not anger. My mother and a dear family friend always said that I should write a book about my travel stories -- the misadventures I've encountered trying to get from one place to another. This latest episode is but another adventure for another chapter of that book. I've threatened to tell the stories here some day -- we'll see <smile>.

Getting around adversity to a place where it is viewable from something other than anger or fear is an amazing feat. It takes time and effort but being able to laugh at many of life's odd situations is a gift. There are some negative events that will never be seen through a humorous lens, nor should they be. Yet, it seems that many of the small bumps encountered are treated as major hurdles rather than minor disruptions. Learning not to become overwhelmed when plans are changed for you is a challenge -- breathe, feet firmly on the ground, recenter and then tackle the issue. <smile>

A friend shared a great musical video today. The song lyrics describe a wonderful mindset, while the musical arrangement and vocals blend into an unbelievably great whole. Enjoy!

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