Wednesday carries the nickname "hump day", a rather ignominious honour. There are weeks when counting down to the end of an excruciating week may seem necessary, but the mid-week positioning of the day can also mean that half the week is left to use, rather than run over on a race to Saturday. I've found the concept of noting this as the midpoint making us that much closer to the non-work days somewhat sad. Does this mean that many of us truly dislike what we do for a living? There definitely are days when things do not go as smoothly as we'd like, but if we hate things so much, why don't we look around and find somewhere else to go? It brings to mind the quote from Thoreau, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." I've met co-workers like this but most people seem to truly love aspects of the job enough to put up with the less than stellar parts. I've always tried to go with the advice "Do what you love." Not that any job will be filled 100% with all one's favourite activities, but if a balance can be achieved between favourite and not-so-favourite bits, the value of that position will keep us there. When the balance no longer is present, then we need to reassess to find a way to re-balance or find somewhere else to refocus and add that balance back to our lives.
The song today reminded me of those who treat the rest of the week as a water slide into the weekend -- like playing shoots and ladders <smile> -- finding a way to bypass half of our work time and thus, huge chunks of our lives. Refocusing on the positives of the last half of the work week seems worthwhile to me. The singer makes this song fun. Enjoy!
Downhill Stuff -- John Denver
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