I have woken with Canada AM everyday for the past 18 years -- since I moved to the Maritimes where the programming began at 7 AM -- in SK it began at 8 or 9 AM when I was already at work, though I watched often during both times I was in in grad school. I have seen all of the hosts and regulars since the program began. The program format built awareness and knowledge of Canadian history and culture. It shared appreciation of Canadian music, literature, film, traditions, food styles, gardening and ways of life. It respectfully explored current issues in politics, policy (including policy failure), markets, economies and current events. Memories of coverage of Swiss Air 111, the death of Princess Diana, the royal weddings, and disasters, most recently of Fort Mac, will be with me forever. All of this was done in short segments that moved along seamlessly allowing viewers to feel they'd seen the show without having to be there for 30 or 60 minutes uninterrupted. This format also served to retain attention in a world of shorter attention spans.In fact, it was this format that led me to suggest to students in the university courses I instruct, to find a way to build in 15-20 minutes of Canada AM as part of their days. This helped tremendously with many broader discussions held formally and informally. Moreover, everything covered on Canada AM was done with a distinct Canadian perspective. It was unlike any other Canadian network morning show and definitely different than the similar US programs.
Personally, the show has been an integral part of my day -- letting me know what was going on through news, weather, sports, business news, pop-culture, and so, so, much more. Nothing can replace the sense of family brought to viewers each day. I'll admit to having tears when hearing the news on Thursday and again during the last segments I saw of the final broadcast today. I wish all the best to everyone involved in the program past and present. They will be sorely missed in this household. And nothing can replace this gem.
The song chosen for today is one that seemed to say everything I'd like to say -- in the eloquent lyrics and classic voice of a favourite singer/songwriter. Enjoy!
Say Goodbye Today -- Carole King
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