Friday, 24 June 2016

Day 3 - 176 -- Sleep Disrupted Again

I've felt like I was dragging myself around today -- answering e-mails, sitting in a meeting or speaking with colleagues -- I felt slower than usual, like walking in a fog. The cause was inadequate sleep. I got to sleep, but was very restless. I woke abruptly just before dawn and was up for two hours. Often when this happens, I'm hungry. That isn't what woke me. It was a scary image in a dream. Often I can turn over and fall back to sleep, but it was almost immediately apparent that I was now awake. When this has occurred in the past, I am usually falling asleep after an hour. Last night it was two hours. I woke several times in the following two hours before the alarm sounded.

I have found my sleep patterns disturbed a lot in the past two to three weeks. There are many things going on in life -- work and personal -- that I wake thinking about. There is a need to find a way to get around the anxieties. I have tried walking to work through issues with some success. I've tried some thought processes to see things from different perspectives, also with some success. Yet, it seems that there are still aspects of the situations that are not fully dealt with and then surface at night. Peace is illusive. Learning to be at peace within the turmoil around and in our lives is a definite challenge. The goal is to find this spot more often and learn to control my responses before they get all wound up. <smile> So, the journey continues and that is a good thing.

A couple of lines from the song shared here today really fit the situation from last night -- being awoken by a bad dream -- and the artists have a food related name even <grin>. It is a selection from the early psychedelic genre. Enjoy!

I had too much to dream last night -- The Electric Prunes

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