When I got home tonight, the mail was waiting for me. In today's delivery I found another postcard from my home town. Two dear friends have sent a series of postcards with a line or two every so often since I returned back here after Mom's funeral. What an amazing thing. These come when I need something to remind me there is a link to 'home'. These were the folks who told me I'd never be alone as long as they walked the earth -- imagine! We could do this by e-mail or something electronic, but the postcards are so much more personal and tactile. I've sent one in return and was going through my drawer of cards and found numerous old postcards from all over the place <smile>. I will try to get one from the campus tomorrow to send the thoughts I'd had about my friends last week. then I'll use some of the oddball postcards from travels over the decades. I've enjoyed receiving these simple gestures of love and friendship. I feel more ready to respond with some thoughts now than I did for the first month and definitely more ready than when feeling unwell with infections. So, it may become more of a conversation than a one-sided check-in. <smile>.
Just over a year ago, a song was released as part of a new album by a well known rock star. This song included little lines of interest from the past woven into the writing of a new song. Brilliant! The title also made me feel this song was perfect for my thoughts today. Enjoy!
P.S. How many familiar lines (titles) can you find? <smile>
Postcards from Paradise -- Ringo Starr
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