Monday, 6 June 2016

Day 3 - 158 -- Feeling Disappointed

One major item was completed today along with a few personal errands. However, the day began with an unexpected e-mail message from a company that Id recently purchased something from. It seems that the travel plans I'd made have been altered in a very major way -- likely to cost me more to meet the new timelines. Why offer and then sell something that isn't going to be what was described? Why would I accept these changes? Do people generally just roll over and accept such silly things that will cost extra? Feeling that this is a new age bait and switch -- though the small print notes things may change.

Feeling that one is at the mercy of a faceless corporation that seems to care little about the product they sell is uncomfortable. This is what leads consumers to move on to a different company. Customer service is necessary to maintain a business. Promoting such service with lower prices isn't enough if service and product can't be delivered. Needless to say, I'm a bit worked up about this silliness. Well -- while typing this, the phone rang -- later than a usual call. A pleasant young man explained and presented another option. The option they have offered is better than the first, but still much less pleasant than the original product chosen. I will need to speak with my travel companions to see if this will be acceptable to them and then get back to the big company to get things organized and settled -- until the next alteration they throw at us prior to the event. <sigh>

The only lyric that went through my mind today dealt with feeling cheated or used. The song makes the response to this quite clear <smile>. Enjoy!

Don't Do me Like That -- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

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