Sunday, 4 September 2022

9-245 (2/9/22) -- Not Recognized

 I went for lunch with a friend today. We had planned to dine outdoors, but it was cloudy with a cooling wind when we arrived at the restaurant. So, we at inside. Then the sun came out as we began to eat inside. <smile> My other outing was to the physio to help with the Achilles heel again. It does seem to be improving. A new pain in the foot couldn't be identified, so at least it isn't something nasty. 

I felt very tired today and was fighting to stay awake in the afternoon between lunch and the physio visit. I have lots on tap right now. This makes thinking through to solutions and the gamut of emotions arriving and departing daily combine to drain energy through mental and physical activities. 

For the past two days, I've had a major fight with a software program. It seems to have updated for the first time in forever. It refused to go into full screen mode. Even when I clicked on that icon, the window was only partial and there was a large left frame. When I clicked on a new to me icon, the screen did go to full screen mode and even covered the Windows task bar! Bizarre. Tonight, it wouldn't let me login. First it didn't recognize my user-id. Then told me the password was incorrect. So, I tried making a new account and was told that one already existed for my e-mail address -- the one it just said was not valid <sigh>. I tried with a second laptop to see what happened and it opened things followed immediately by a message window saying I had been logged out for security reasons. The first laptop did not tell me this. So -- <deep breath> -- I had to reset the password and it wouldn't take the one that it had told me earlier was incorrect since it now recognized it. <aacckk> A new password later and I was finally able to launch the program. So very frustrating. Once logged in again, the screen looked almost as usual. There are a few new bits and lots of pop-up windows welcoming me and asking if I wanted to learn about some new feature or other. <sigh> 

It was frustrating to not be recognized by a program I use daily. I dislike having to try to do work arounds for the silliness. I kept trying to get in but was repeatedly told that I was not recognized so couldn't enter. When I explained my experience to a friend, they noted a song that was just perfect for the situation <smile>. So, I share that here. I like the feel of this version. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Hear You Knocking -- Fats Domino

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