Thursday, 19 June 2014

Day 170 -- Ways of Knowing

Let's talk epistemology. How do we know what we know? What ways of knowing do we acknowledge?

If I haven't mentioned already, from a philosophical standpoint, I am a post-modernist. It took me until well into my adult years to recognize this and to realize why I approach things the way I do. These approaches are rooted in collaboration and understanding that there are many truths -- in short I do not live in a black and white world, but rather live in the grey zone.

Not everyone works from the same philosophical base. I have been challenged about my world view often. It is frustrating at times, but the usual feeling is one of sadness -- sad for others who live within limits of a dichotomized world. I ask questions about everything. I want to learn how others work and see things. Those working from a different stance don't ever ask me about my processes -- they simply don't see them as valuable. Perhaps this is where intolerance is born -- the inability to want to learn about something different. As I've said often, those who think differently than me are not wrong, only different. If that same courtesy could be afforded me at times, it would be nice. But, I do realize that their view will not allow this, so I won't lay blame.

So -- how will she put this one into music? <smile>  I have two selections for you -- your bonus for wading through my writing today.  They each speak to where I live and how I see the world.  Enjoy!

Shades of Grey -- The Monkees

If you don't know me by now -- Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes

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