Monday, 7 July 2014

Day 188 -- a visit from the headbanging fairy

Well, it's official. The yuckiness of the past several days definitely is a migraine <pout>. They don't come often, but the allergy season can trigger some discomfort. I'm hoping it will not last too long, another day or two seems reasonable -- not another week <smile>.

I'm feeling very fatigued with this silliness. Part of it is likely trying to readjust to a 3 hour time difference from last week out west. Travelling east always feels worse to me for the 'jet lag' or internal clock readjustment. When I flew back from Asia several years ago, we'd been travelling for over 20 hours and I'd conked out on the plane. When I arrived at a bed just for me, I slept almost 20 hours. Now, even though I'm so tired by bedtime here, my brain seems not to want to let me sleep for another couple hours. This, along with the migraine, made me feel quite useless at the work meeting this morning. Cognitive functioning is affected by both issues so it is a double whammy of sorts. <smile>. The good news is that both difficulties will pass in a couple days. Now if the evenings would cool a bit to help with sleeping, we'd be heading for perfection.

It seemed only reasonable that the selection today come from the huge catalogue of headbanger tunes <grin>. I found the chorus lines of this song fitting for the headache situation. The video has humour rather than what some might expect. Enjoy!

We're Not Gonna Take it -- Twisted Sister

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