Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Day 211 -- Who's pulling the strings?

Another hot and muggy day but there was a bit of rain in the early evening. We came upon it as we left a performance on campus. It was another show from the theatre festival this year. It was an amazing performance of Rumpelstiltskin with marionettes. The staging was simple, but effective and the manipulation by the team of two was delightful. This is a story they have done for 25 years. After the show they let kids have their photos taken with the character of their choice. Pretty cute.

There were several groups of adults sans children there -- guess we are all just children at heart. I found the story pulled me in even though I know it well. Perhaps this is something that we need to do more often -- remember that wonder of childhood. I've often had this feeling with live theatre and even with movies and books. It may be part of the creative imagination side of the brain that wakes up to create the wonder and enchantment. It is definitely emotional, a sort of empathy with the characters. Isn't it wonderful that we have these forms of entertainment that can help us to see the world from differing viewpoints?

This also made me think about my reactions to the drama of others. Who is pulling the strings? I'm all for living string-free, but some days it seems that the wires are still attached. Where is that Blue Fairy when you need her? I want to be real <smile>. It will take a lot of energy to hang onto the strings myself and not drop them for someone else to pick up.

The selection for today ran through my mind this afternoon as I anticipated the evening's performance. I chose a newer version from a somewhat unexpected singer. Enjoy!

I'm Your Puppet -- Elton John ft. Paul Young

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