Saturday, 12 July 2014

Day 193 -- tossing telephone poles

Highland Games week is coming to a close. I love seeing tartan draped store windows and kilt-wearing folk everywhere. The week involves highland dance, pipe and drum festivals (individual and group) and ancient heavy games -- Junior and Senior.

Tomorrow will be the finals for the heavy games and the massed pipe and drum corps performance. Seeing anyone tossing a caber (akin to a telephone pole for those who still have these in their towns) is somewhat stunning -- as is the sheaf toss, stone toss (with a minor sized boulder) and hammer throw -- and all this done by kilted strong men. Last time I sat at the field for the day, it ended with several pipe and drum bands, a massed band of hundreds of individuals, marching across the field playing traditional tunes. It was amazing. I expect I'll hear it from the house, if I don't go to the field. I've been privy to much from the competition announcements and musical entertainment yesterday and today.

I've chosen a traditional Scottish tune for today. This was the first music I heard this morning during the parade less than a block away and also the first heard on Thursday morning to kick off the Street Fair. It does involve bagpipes, which really aren't as bad as common opinion would have us believe -- that presupposes someone who actually knows how to play them is in charge. They can be much like violins in this sense <smile>.  Enjoy!

Scotland the Brave -- The Pipes and Drums of the Royal Tank Regiment

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