Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Day 203 -- medicinal laughter

Anyone find how laughter seems to make many things feel better?  I love to look at an absurdity within a conundrum and giggle. It can release the tension and return shoulders from their hang out around my ears. I can be feeling quite cranky about some intrusion into my inner domain and yet see or hear something that just makes me laugh. I don't mean just a smile, but a real laugh, giggle, or guffaw. Sometimes I'm able to take a lot of time and look at myself for that laugh. Sometimes someone else makes a passing comment that leads to a silly idea or thought -- and out pops laughter.

Now, as I've commented before, the trick is to get myself to back up and not take things so seriously. No jumping to hyperbole allowed. This isn't easy, especially with inadequate sleep. Today I was woken abruptly from a deep sleep by the doorbell. This was 30 minutes before the alarm was planned. I was expecting a parcel in the mail, so stumbled to the door to find it wasn't the parcel, but the lawn care fellow with a question. That start to the day seemed to put me a bit off kilter for the rest of the day. I am much better with a slow start to the day -- not ever been a morning person. When the spiral of crankiness begins it can be difficult to realize what is occurring and catch myself before being fully sucked into the vortex. That would be when a 5 minute break -- time out even <g> -- would fit best. As I've said before, I do want to recognize this and find a way to move to a more reasoned approach to an issue. I'll let you know how that goes <grin>.

Only one song stuck in my head when I settled on this topic. It is from my childhood, but fits so well for all ages. Enjoy!

I love to laugh -- Ed Gwynn, Dick van Dyke, & Julie Andrews

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