Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Day 2 - 306 -- Learning, Writing, Growing

Tuesday is the crazy weekday this term -- both courses, two research student meetings, and several other bits of short meetings, course prep and admin tasks. This week is especially full with office hours and times outside those designated time blocks at capacity with 15+ minute consultations about the assignment that is due Friday. It is a new writing format for most of them, so there isn't strong self efficacy in place yet. They generally have things together as expected, but just need to check that out before doing the final edit and polish.

I find it rewarding to see their excitement with topics of personal interest as they discover new ideas, facts, and debates. Discovering that changes to the way the world works are not impossible, but neither are they easy, seems a common learning. Hearing them speak to the technical aspects of their chosen topic with confidence is delightful. It shows that there was challenge there for them and that the process seems to have helped them somewhat as they waded through the heavy reading. We are 2/3 of the way through the term, and the work put into the projects has changed their viewpoint and how they speak about the issues at hand. I hope they notice the growth that I see. Very cool indeed!

A song about self growth seemed perfect for today. The singer delivers the message well -- an amazing voice that left far too early. Enjoy!

Make Your Own Kind of Music -- Cass Elliot

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