Friday, 6 November 2015

Day 2 - 309 -- Need for major sleep

What a crazy day this was. I had to play verbal charades in the second class of the day. I'm so tired that my word finding ability is fractured badly. At least I could play verbal charades and ask those with mobile devices to please search for the proper noun given the part of the story I could tell them. It all worked out well -- I just  hope that they can  see the reason is that I am as tired as they are -- and none of us are doing things at the top of our game. <smile>

Focus has been difficult for the past several days. Sleep happens, but I seem to be working through projects while I sleep, so not as restful as it could be. The plan is to sleep over the weekend and do the main tasks that need to be ready for early to mid-week after I wake and eat <smile>. There are way too many things to do for work and around the house to accomplish all in a single weekend. The grading alone will need to go into the break days at the end of next week. Some will continue to be done between now and then and the rest will have to wait until we have two more days without classes to devote to the piles of papers.

The selection for today is like a lullaby for adults. The singer has a voice I love to hear -- a voice she lent to a large body of work. I'm hoping it will help readers relax just as I hope it will help me fall asleep tonight. Enjoy!

Sweet Dreams -- Patsy Cline

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