Thursday, 12 November 2015

Day 2 - 315 -- Not Really Stalking

The day began with some excitement -- sort of <smile>.  I was going to take a shower when I heard a weird noise. I thought it might be the cat, but saw him just sitting there and then realized there was a ladder outside my kitchen window. The yard guy came by to clear the eaves today. Good thing I wasn't in the shower -- the window just next to the kitchen window. So, I heard him making his away along the length of the house so I decided to forgo the shower until later in the day and went to change clothes to go outside. As I was doing this, darn if there isn't a ladder going up outside my bedroom window. At least there are blinds there. It was a bit absurd as I went back to the bathroom to complete my change.

After that, things were very mundane. I am in the midst of huge assignment grading and got through a third yesterday and almost all of the remaining two-thirds today. Now this is just for the one course. The other has more students so more papers that will take about 25 hours to grade. Along with these two major term assignments are the regular smaller exercises about 3-4 hours worth online right now and another 3-4 next week and again the week after that. There is also one further short paper that should take 10 hours to plough through. I also need slides for lectures for the remaining three weeks, which need to be done this weekend. Not sure why my brain starts to add all this up. It won't make things easier to manage in any way. This is the time of year that I begin to look for the grading elves to visit in the night. Hey, if shoemakers can have them, why can't I? <g>

Only one song came to mind after the morning 'almost' encounters. The lyrics are a bit creepy, and certainly overstate my experience, which was in no way a peeping tom. But, it certainly reminded me of that type of invasion of privacy. There are a wonderful array of strings in this one that help soften that unrelenting beat. Enjoy!

Every Breath You Take -- The Police

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