I looked at the calendar today and smiled, since today is Guy Fawkes Day in the UK. We don't celebrate this day here, but it still appears on some calendars. This historical date brings bonfires and fireworks displays in the UK in remembrance of the gunpowder plot from 410 yeas ago. I smiled when I realized that today was the day the conspirators tried to blow up the building where the king would be opening parliament in London -- the smile was not because of the act of treason, but because I'd thought a day or so ago that the piles of paper I'm surrounded with at the moment would make a good bonfire -- not at all serious about that, but there was a fleeting thought about a nanosecond long.
These convoluted musings led me to a song about a fire due to carelessness that destroyed a casino during a music festival 44 years ago in 1971. It seemed to fit the ramblings of my brain today -- all over the place with very little hazy focus only. Love the opening guitar here. It is unmistakable. Always takes me back to undergraduate student days when a good friend would practice in the basement of residence -- and he was always gracious enough to play this one for his 'fans' <smile>. Enjoy!
Smoke on the Water -- Deep Purple
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