Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Day 2 - 328 -- To market, to market . . .

Today the local farmers market set up on campus, bringing lots of wonderful fall vegetables, baking, and crafts. Many students had tables set up to sell hand made cards and jewellery. Three vendors had hot foods available, too. Many people I met were doing some Christmas gift shopping. One pair of students was launching the product developed last winter -- a lentil-based power bar. They placed second in a provincial competition and soon will have a business in place to produce and market the product. All very cool.  My purchases were minor today -- some wonderful oat cakes, jam and vegetarian Asian dumplings for my lunch. I spoke with a local weaver who makes amazing tea towels but didn't have the colour I'd hope to find. Luckily, she sells these through a local artisan shop that is about a block from the house, so I'll be able to watch for her next delivery there.

I also ran around town getting a few other items needed and added to the gifts that need to be mailed in the next couple of weeks. It seems odd that it is time for planning for Christmas already. Days get so full at term end that even basic shopping can seem a nearly impossible task to add to the schedule. So, having even an hour or two to look at seasonal products is a gift on its own. Add to that the wonderful sunshine we had today, and there were some major positives in the day.

The song shared today is a traditional Irish folk song about going to market. The singer may be most recognizable as an actor. Most of her work was in film, but she had a wonderful singing voice, too. She passed a month ago at the age of 95. Enjoy!

The Next Market Day -- Maureen O'Hara

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