Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Day 5 - 247 -- Mountains or Molehills?

Classes began today, so as I walked around the building, I ran into familiar faces just returned. I enjoyed smiles and short chats about plans for the term. In the office, several bits were completed. We corrected an error in a travel plan for a meeting. I edited a document draft so it can be sent to others for input. One that is left for tomorrow deals with a technology glitch that isn't allowing me to do what I need to do.

Today emotions led to feeling anxious and lost -- even a bit selfish or ungrateful or something that isn't easily pinned down by a term. After a wonderful chat with a friend, I began to see things in a different light. Much of the absurdity in the situations made me laugh -- a cathartic feeling. My suggested solution to problems seemed to make sense to someone else. The negative emotions and self-deprecating voices occur often when faced with anything tricky and a bit scary. With time, I can feel better -- a form of acceptance but with an action plan. Things to answer those "what do I do now?" type questions don't always readily appear. It can become a type of ethical conundrum. Outside help assists in moving through the problem-solving process -- if the problem is my thinking processes or something more concrete. It reminds me of an adage that says, "Those mountains you've been carrying, you were only meant to climb."

Surprisingly <grin>, this reminded me of a lyric -- several actually. I chose one song to share that discusses the ideas behind the adage. The voice is from the early television series days -- sweet and clear. Enjoy!

The Climb -- Miley Cyrus

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