Friday, 28 September 2018

Day 5 - 269 -- Time and Travel

What time is it anyway? The day filled with events that were time-sensitive. It began when the alarm went off at 3:30 AM to be ready to leave for the airport. Thanks to a very dear friend who drove me out at 4:30 AM -- who does that? Lucky me. The plane was slightly delayed for takeoff when we had to de-ice due to a bit of frost on the wings. It was warmer and above freezing, but the dew must have settled on cold metal to create the technical need to apply chemicals. I listened to a movie, but fell asleep many times so missed the cart with the beverages -- I sure could have used some tea <smile>. The connecting flight at airport #2 was already delayed when I landed. So, just as with the flight out last week, we again were about 2 hours behind out of Toronto. Landing that bit later meant the 2 hour drive home would end in total darkness. This occurred in the two lane section and was right in the middle of the major resurfacing construction underway. Working around the clock meant there were extremely bright lights and then total darkness, which messes with one's ability to see. Flashing lights would pop up regularly in the long stretch. On the plus side, I didn't have to stop for a lead vehicle to guide us through the single lane sections since I seemed to be the end of the line and drove straight through without further delays. Arriving home it felt past bedtime, but was just mid-evening. Needless to say I was exhausted. I ate something quick, showered the travel dust off and fell asleep.

Time changes can be very disruptive. Changing watches several times in one day to ensure I was at the right place at the right time left me confused. I often felt that I had no idea what time it was. Was it later on the clock or earlier? A simple math principle but when tired it becomes difficult to reconcile. I find traveling east more difficult to adjust to than going west. This may come from my not being a morning person <smile>.

The song chosen fits the moving target of traveling through time zones. It is almost like a form of time travel -- I once left Hong Kong at noon and arrived in Vancouver at  6AM on the same day. The song featured comes from a movie that was released 43 years ago. Enjoy!

The Time Warp -- The Rocky Horror Picture Show

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