Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Day 5 - 267 -- Too Many Goodbyes

The day began early as I was up to see off family members heading back to their respective homes. I'm not good with endings and goodbyes can be especially difficult. We all are together so infrequently that when we are it never seems to be for long enough. Perhaps that is me being selfish, but times like this tell me we should find ways to meet more often. That is easier to type than to do since we each have responsibilities in our lives that can interfere with spontaneous travel <smile>. We are a group of planners, though, so could put that to good use, I suspect <grin>.

I've often thought about why goodbye can be so stressful. Getting together for happy occasions is ideal, but we all know that sad occasions will also bring us back as a group. We never know when we'll see each other again. Now, the same could be said if we lived in the same city. There is no guarantee that if we were closer geographically that we'd see each other more often. It takes effort to maintain the relationships. In some cases, it takes courage, as well. It is worthwhile, I believe.

Lots of songs came to mind, but one line kept repeating in my mind -- the title of the song shared today. Enjoy!

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road -- Elton John

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